Title: Like the Seasons?
Author: Geonn
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Divide & Conquer"
Warnings: None
Notes: I played a little with the challenge ;-D
Challenge: Seasons
"No way."
"Come on," Sam said. "Just as a joke."
Janet sighed. "Did I mention how much I loathed her?"
"Yes," Sam sighed.
Janet fluttered her eyelashes and affected a bimbo accent. "Ooh, gosh, Colonel O'Neill, Freya just looooooves you so much. And Anise just looooves Daniel Jackson, too."
"You're so bad," Sam giggled.
Janet thrust her chest forward. "You're just jealous 'cause your boobies actually FIT in your uniform."
"I get the point," Sam said, admiring Janet's... assets. "You've made your argument." She tossed away the seasoning. "We'll find an alternative seasoning so you won't have to eat anise."