Drabble Response: Tagged Superstitious

Jul 23, 2004 09:16

Title: Tagged Superstitious
Author: Rysler
Date: 07/23/04
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Category: Angst
Warnings: Character Death
Spoilers: Heroes
Disclaimer: U.S. Code Title 17, Section 107 (2-4)
Notes: Drabble response for "Superstitions"

Whenever Sam went off-world, she wore Janet's dog tags around her neck. Janet had insisted. She believed in good luck charms.

"What if something happens? What if they see you around my neck? You’ll be court-martialed, your life'll be ruined. I don't want that."

"So you’d better come home."

"This isn't a superstition, it's a vise."

On lonely nights, in prison cells, in moments of terror, Sam would press her lips against the bumps of cool metal. She was always grateful.

When one team was stranded, two teams rushed the Stargate for P3X-666.

They hadn't had time to switch chains.

author :: rysler, ship :: sam/janet, challenge 13 :: superstitions

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