Title: The Impotence of Bad Luck
cjoneillPairing: Sam/Pete
Rating: PG13
Summary: Is Sam superstitious or not?
Disclaimer: They characters aren’t mine…which is a good thing for Pete!
Author’s Note: This is my first posted drabble…be kind!
Dedication: For
jo_siris…she’s the bestest!
She’d seen that black cat as it sauntered passed.
Then it was the inner debate about around or under the ladders. The former was decided ‘who knows what they were doing up there?’
And when Pete had inadvertently smashed that mirror and laughed it off, Sam had tried to do the same, unsuccessfully.
And later that night when they had gone to his bed and he couldn’t get it up, Sam decided the day’s events had doomed them.
“Sorry Pete, this isn’t going to work.” She’d dressed and left.
‘Let him have seven years of bad luck on his own!’