If anyone would like a cat, I have one that I will *pay* you to take right now. She's cute but can't read a clock. It is three am, you stupid cat. Shut the heck up and leave me alone.
Why am I up at three? It all started when my husband decided to wake me up when he went to bed because I was apparently snoring. So that was fun. When I got back to sleep from that, the kiddo woke me up at midnight. She is learning how to stand and walk and sometimes she decides to practice in the middle of the night, then gets annoyed that she can't sleep. I got her back to sleep, then she woke up again at 12:30, then at 12:50, then at 1:15, then at 1:30, at which point I decided to try to camp out on her floor so that I could at least snooze between wakings.
By 2 she was snoozing peacefully and my back was killing me from the floor so I tried to go back to bed but hubby was snoring this time. I tried waking him up but he sleeps like the dead (which is why I'm always the one up with the kiddo--convenient, huh? I bet this kiddo has cost him less than ten hours sleep since she's been born). So I went out to sleep on the couch but my back was still killing me from the floor. About 2:40 I remembered that the couch folds out into a bed so I popped it out and laid down. It was very comfortable and right as I drifted off to sleep Lolli decided it was time to run around meowing at the top of her lungs, which she is still doing at 3:20. So I guess the sleep I got from 9 to almost midnight will be it for me tonight, because by the time the cat calms down, the baby will be ready to get up.
Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh, or cry, or start smacking cats and husbands...
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