Friends and parties and get-togethers, oh my!

May 15, 2011 10:56

And thus another weekly update begins. It’s been quite the eventful week this time around, so this may be long. Nothing bad happened; I was just very busy with things.
Sunday night when I got home, Heather and Michael were outside preparing for some yard and outdoor altar work they wanted to do. Heather found two bags of sea shells on clearance earlier that day, so I put them around the torch for the west as a representation of water. Michael did some mowing, as it desperately needed work, and then we ended up starting the fire in the pit, starting the grill, and cooking steaks and corn for dinner. We didn’t eat outside, but after dinner, we took some time to sit out by the fire, as it had turned out to be a really nice night, and we didn’t want to waste it. Needless to say, I didn’t’ get to do that ritual that night, because I was so tired. I decided that I would do one during the three days of the full moon even though we’re all doing one as a group. Heather asked me what I was doing the ritual for, and I had to think about that, because there’s so much that I need to happen and no place to really start.
Monday, James got the drama with the new apartment straitened out, so as a result, I kind of got pulled into a random stream with him, Shane, and Krista. In the meantime, Renee had stopped over, so I left the stream to hang with her since I don’t get to see her that often. I was in a bit of a bitchy mood that night, and I’m really not sure why other than that I was just so exhausted. I also helped train Jeff, the new employee on Monday, so it was a very long, but productive day.
Tuesday was pretty low-key. I don’t’ think we did a whole lot. I think they went out, but I hung around the home front until they got back baring coconut cream pie. I had my usual nightly talk with James, and I think that was pretty much about it for that day. I didn’t do any training that day either.
Wednesday, was again, pretty low key. I was pretty siked because I had Thursday off, so I just goofed off, finally finished that damned Anita Blake book, and relaxed. James was busy packing so we didn’t get to talk a whole lot. That day was also gorgeous weather wise, so I enjoyed the benefits of eating lunch outside. They have a nice patio with a picnic table out in back of the call center, so I hung out there with everybody.
Thursday, I didn’t do squat all day until evening. Renee and I were supposed to go for a walk, but after work, she got too tired, so we didn’t end up going. We did do our shamanic journey that evening. There was only five of us there, but it was real nice. I knew some about Shamanism, but not nearly enough to know what to do. I found, though, that it was easy, because I’ve been working on quieting my mind during meditations, so things come to me easier. We were asked to find our sacred space, which is where we start from, and then we were asked to find our spirit guide. This proved to be interesting as I have several of those. I’m keeping a private journal of my findings, but I won’t be posting any of that here as of yet.
We grilled pork chops, and hung out for a bit after the circle. We talked more about the outdoor altar and what we all wanted to do for the different quarters. We also talked about more group get-togethers.
That day I also woke up to a facebook message from Moe, the ex I mentioned a couple of posts ago. He apparently must have read my bog, because I have a plug-in where I can see where people are visiting from, and how they found me. But he wrote me a very nice message just explaining how he felt about everything, and assured me that he wouldn’t be trying to get back with me. Basically, he said that what happened then was in the past, and that he would like to be friends. He did say that he was open to us getting back together back in 1996, but he was also open to being friends too. He said he sent me a tape, and I never got it, so I’m not sure what happened there. So I’ll just blame the US Postal service for that one. LOL! So he thought I disappeared because I felt so bad about everything. I did feel bad, but I also would have liked to have stayed in touch and been friends. I wrote him back on facebook, and gave him my email address, so I’m hoping to hear from him again.
Friday was very eventful and busy. Maggie picked me up, and I took her to lunch at Dog town since she’d expressed a craving for it a week ago. Heather and Michael met us there, and a good time was had. I needed to catch Maggie up on what happened in the tenth Sookie bookie, and recommended a few other books that I thought she might like.
After that, Michael and I did some gardening. They bought this fabric that you put down to prevent weeds from running rampant in the garden, and then we planted some tomato and bell pepper seedlings. After that, I showered and got ready for the party that Jeff, the new guy was having at his house. I called a cab and picked up both Katy and Nancy before going over to his house. We met his friend who moved up here with him, and is still trying to get established, and much good times ensued. They showed me a rather interesting audio game; we drank some, and played some cards and dice. Jeff tried playing guitar, but by the time he finally pulled it out, he was too hammered to play; or at least that’s what he said. All told, I didn’t’ come rolling in until 4:30 the next morning, and Katy left later than I did. James was very supportive about the whole thing. He kept encouraging me to go and have a good time, and when I told him I never stay out that late, he told me I should do it more often. So I guess Jeff and Katy are stuck with me.
Yesterday I woke up to a text from Heather asking if I wanted to join them at the public market, as they needed to get food stuffs for the house. So I got dressed and headed out with them, because I told her I’d buy the meats since we were running low. We came back here and took it easy for a few hours before making the Wall mart run. We ended up having a movie night last night, and we invited a bunch of people over. Brian and Maggie were there as well as Vicki and Eric, and Devin and Renee. We ended up watching Robin Hood Men in Tights, which was fucking hilarious. We all got together and cooked a nice spread of grilled hamburgers, stuffed mushrooms, corn on the cob, and homemade potato salad. It was a busy afternoon. We wont’ talk about the four pies we picked up at the store. Some say it’s my fault, but I learned a long time ago; never argue with the pregnant lady. When I’m pregnant, I won’t want people arguing with me either. LOL! We ended up with Coconut cream pie, Hershey’s chocolate pie, French silk pie, and Lemon morang pie. All good stuff! After the movie, everybody left, accept for Brian, and I went to talk to James for a bit and crash.
We didn’t do Lilac festival like I’d hoped, but it’s still going on next week, so if I can get someone to go with me, I want to go. I have never missed a lilac festival for as long as I’ve been living here, and I’m not missing this one. Apparently, Jeff wants us all to go with him to a free concert there on Friday night, so I may do that too. So this coming week is shaping up to be a bit eventful; full moon ritual Monday night, Solitary full moon ritual Tuesday or Wednesday, Shamanic journey Thursday night, and maybe the concert Friday. James and Shane seem to have gotten all moved in. They did all that today, so they’ll be busy unpacking again. I wish I could have been up there to help, because he helped me so much here when I moved, but I just couldn’t do it in as little notice as I had. But I have been supportive in other ways.
Well, that’s all for now. See you all on the flip side.

Originally published at Life in the Nuthouse. Please leave any comments there.

nestalgia, past relationships, random fun, drinking, spiritual stuff, pagan, books, spirituality, parties, paganism, special times

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