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Feb 28, 2017 15:06

i suppose i actually already knew, the day i was late. i am never late. but because of what happened last july, i daren't dwell on it and hope too much, so i took a few more days than before to actually verify my hunch. plus, i guess, a part of me was still kinda hoping that God would grant me my wish of having another Dec Baby :) and being late in Feb is two months too early :I but so last sunday night, i was already four days late, and hubbs, johnjohn and i were lying in bed, snuggling and chatting for almost two hours, despite that it was waaay past jireh's bedtime, and we were already talking and making plans as though it were a confirmed fact. that night, i couldn't sleep, and even though hubbs said he'd get the test kit for me one of those days after work, i went and got it with jireh when we were getting lunch the very next day because i just knew and i didn't want to put it off anymore. jireh was having a bad cough and cold and was home from school so he was home with me and i was glad for that.

i was still very pleasantly surprised when i saw the second blue line appear :)

and i told hubbs, God gave us this second Kiddie when i finally let go and surrendered to Him and told Him that it didn't have to be a December Baby. how silly we are. how we always seem to hold onto things tightly, contrary to His will and plan for us. looking back and looking ahead, i see my own foolishness in insisting on a Dec Baby. because actually, the way things are going at work for hubbs and at church for us both, a Kiddie in late Oct will be a much much much better option than December.

still, with all things said and done, i am still hoping for a birth on a particular, specific Date in end Oct :I if i really do deliver on that Date i will divulge my reasons for that wish :)

oh how wonderful our LoRd is to us. how, how wonderful; how immense His depth of grace and mercy. how faithful and how steadfastly His love endures for us even when we were yet unfaithful and even when we had not put Him first. He gives us all we need and always beyond our expectations, and always just at the right time <3

i am so afraid of forgetting His benefits i just have to keep finding a way to chronicle His blessings and all these precious memories somehow. cause just as we discovered i was preggers last Monday, hubbs also received a very big promotion at work. before we even knew to ask or before we even felt the need, He has chosen to bless us with more. i can't even. i don't know how to thank Him for all these things. He is too awesome to us.

and. i also wanna chronicle this one last thing. i was reading a random baby center article on how some foods actually promote your chances of getting preggers and sharksfin was on the list. i showed it to hubbs and we laughed about how i ate a crazy, prodigious amount of sharksfin over cny. like really colossal amounts. at my mum's i ate at least three to four bowls, and at my mil's i must have eaten anything between five to eight bowls. somehow, that must have helped :)

and then the real shocker was, hubbs actually said he kinda has always had the feeling he knows when we conceived JohnJohn. i was utterly shocked because its been 4 years since we conceived johnjohn and he never said a word. but when he told me his reasons for thinking so i cannot but agree that he is very possibly right. anyhow, i just had to chronicle this.

and actually, i kinda think i know when we conceived this little Kiddie too. methinks it was either the day hubbs flew off for his work trip, or the night he came back. i have my reasons for thinking so too and hubbs thinks they sound reasonable too :)

LoL. medically speaking, all this is just plain balderdash, i know. i am pretty certain my gynae will scoff if i told her these :) but i think there's always a grain of truth in these random instincts that we have. somehow.

anyway, we've got Kiddie Number Two's chinese name down pat already. and if he turns out to be a boy, we've got his english name decided already too. but if Kiddie Number Two turns out to be a girl, we've yet to decide on an english name we're both agreeable with. not easy because we've got to fit Kiddie Two's name and middle name together. still praying and waiitng on God to show us the name He wants BabyFace to have!

but in the meantime i am so pleased :) :) :) and excited :) :) :)

and at the same time i wanna treasure and cherish these last few months with my precious Kiddie Number One. i keep telling him, MaMa really treasures these times with him because things won't be quite the same again for a long time yet. we won't be completely alone for long bouts for some years at least. all i wanna do is hold him close and hug him and kiss him and spend lots of time having fun with my Big Baby for as long as i possibly can.

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