new moon: sam's review.

Nov 22, 2009 01:16

First of all. I would have gone to the midnight release with Darla and a few others. In fact, if Darla's date bailed, I would have had that ticket. But, nooo.... And R. had tried calling me when she bought her ticket, but guess who didn't answer her phone. And it was I who hooked them both on Twilight. *sigh*

In my po-dunk town, the following shows were sold out: Thursday night's midnight release, both Friday shows, and both Saturday matinees. I'm going to assume that both tonight's shows were probably sold out as well... I went to today's 1:30 matinee with 8 yr old son and girlfriend Trixie (um mine, not his...). Arrived an hour early, because husband reported that people were already lined up outside the theater. I bought popcorn about 20-15 minutes before the show started... While I was up there, the available seats for the show went from 33 down to 16. and one of the girls at the tickte counter kept announcing the remaining seats and that tickets were still available for "Paranormal Activity" and "2 12". Yes, that's right. She said "2 12" like the time 2:12 instead of 2012. A movie that I have absolutly NO INTENTION of watching, but it irked me to no end that she mucked up the title. A rather simple title at that.

Anyways. The Movie.

I've said it before, Jacob/Taylor Lautner is enough to jump ship. *sigh*
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i loved the relationships between e/b and the building of the relationship between j/b.

i can't think of anything major* that they didn't do. Charlie, The birthday, Bella's aversion to her birthday -- the mirrored dream (!!!), Carlisle, the months (oh sob!), the bikes, jessica, mike, the wolves (how awesome was THAT?!), Harry Clearwater (gotta love Graham Green!) the Volturi, Alice ...

the edward illusions... were both better than expected, but also could have been improved upon. i know that's a crappy statement, but sometimes it seemed like you could only see edward's head floating... and the moment when bella punches paul kinda was both awesome but bummer at the same time (sooo want to see bella's broken hand incident in eclipse!!!).

i loved the failed emails to Alice. I loved Alice's little vision of e/b as vamps running through the forest all turn of the century like... Aro was SOO SPOT ON!!!

You could soo easily tell in both moments that Edward (RPattinson) and Jacob (TLautner) have when they are pushing bella away, that they are going against their heart. And Bella (KStewart), so really played out the depression and the adrenaline, and the gullible-ness (for lack of a better word) that Bella has in regards to understanding how much these guys care for her.

The things they stressed, such as Bella's feelings for Jacob (at the movies) were good, needed to place that fat line... Granted we couldn't have everything verbatim from the book, but it was close.

* Now the ending? Oh... I loved, but I still wanted more.. :)

I am sooo going again. For book to movie adaptations, this was *****

twilight, movie, new moon

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