Jun 27, 2004 10:05
i saw sukru last night for the first time in awhile. and he was wearing sandals like the ones from Nice, and a the same shirt and shorts, and he smelled the same and looked the same and acted the same only with more direction in his life.
it was really good to see him, because it reminded me so much of that summer in France, the best summer of my life, the summer that changed me into a person i was proud to be.
That summer was so important to me, and it seems that as more time passes the less we rememberr it. Right after we got back, everything that one of us said was then related to Nice. Now, its a fairly rare occurance, and when i look around, everyone has changed since then. And thats okay - people are supposed to grow and change, but i still miss that summer.
Last night just struck me becuase becca tatyana surkru and i were all in teh same room, and becca and tatyana looked and acted different, but sukru somehow was still the sukru from france, the sukru that walked us home every night (except one!) to protect us and the sukru who would always tell wonderful stories, the sukru who, at the time, appeared to have seen it all and had done it all, and the sukru who would talk to me for hours on end about cars.
i just miss it is all, and i didn't realize how much until last night when i saw him and all of the memories came back.
it is just a few days shy of the three year anniversary of the trip to london and nice, and i know that for that entire month i will be reading my journal from the trip daily to figure out what exactly i was thinking three years ago that day, whilst looking out my balcony at the meditarannean sea and watching the neighborhood hooker strut around on the corner, waiting for sukru and dave to come down from la montagne and take us somewhere fun.
that reminds me of my Chaucer prologue from junior year. I should bust that out and read it again.
you know, i still think about that trip as "the trip that saved my life." I will be forever indebted to my parents for insisting that i go, becuase had i not, i doubt i would still be alive right now.