Jun 23, 2004 14:39
**First, I apologize if I offend anyone with this entry, but writing about it made me feel a lot better.
Ok so its officially been a shitty last 18 hours or so.
First, last night (after I got 2 new pairs of scrubs - I am SO cute! That was a good thing…) I went to work at the hospital and started putting electrodes on peoples heads by myself and such. That was fine, but remember Steve, the guy who is training me? My mom told me has a “strong personality” which is fine, because I was like “yeah so do I.”
Welp, not as strong as this man’s. Remember how I mentioned that he is an ordained minister? Well that is fine and good, but he’s also a staunch republican and had the audacity to look me straight in the eyes and tell me to “Never Vote Democrat.” And I told him right back that I was fully planning on voting for Kerry in the election and he asked why. I told him I didn’t like the Republican Party and I didn’t like George W. Bush. HE THEN TRIED TO EXPLAIN TO ME THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND WHY THE DEMOCRATS WERE BAD. So I interrupted him and explained that I was a political science minor and was very interested in the subject so I was fully aware of the differences between the parties. He asked me to then explain it to him. I got the question right. And then somehow (I honestly forget the exact turns of the conversation) we ended up talking about Bush’s policies on abortion and gay rights and he started giving me all of these biblical reasons why abortion should be illegal and gay people are all faking it. I was absolutely appalled that a) he was discussing this at work b) that he was discussing this me on his second night of knowing me, and c) he was trying to take advantage of my assumed little knowledge of politics by just telling me that I should vote republican.
First, on the voting thing:
I am poor. I make no money. But because I make no money, I pay almost nothing in taxes. Rich people pay lots of taxes when there are democrats in office and that money goes to two things that are very important to me. First, more money goes to federal student aid, which I get a lot of (because I am poor, as mentioned before. And yes, my parents are poor too, though not as poor as me.) Second, more money goes to education. Ladies and gentleman, I go to a STATE SCHOOL and more money goes to said state school when there are democrats in office. Mitt Romney is trying to cut Umass’s funding all the time, and that directly affects me.
So, basically, with democrats in office I get a better school for taxes I don’t pay because I am too poor. So, why on earth would I ever logically vote republican at this point in my life?
(and yes, I know its not ‘all about me’ and I should ‘think of others’ when I go to vote. But please, its my vote and I’ll use it to benefit me. Everyone gets a vote, each should be able to use it how they please without thinking of all of the rich people who are going to have to pay for my education.)
I’ll vote republican when I am 45 making 7 figures with two houses and a husband and four children, because then it will be to my advantage.
Second, on the religious shit:
He got on my nerves horribly last night. First with the whole “People that are gay are doing it for attention.” Sure, steve. People are subjecting themselves to lives of being shunned by society for their sexual desires for attention. Also, by saying that the church wants to “accept” gays and “change their ways because God loves them” is absolute shit. I stopped going to church partly because everyone in it was making their sole goal in life to prevent gay marriage (this was two or three years ago before it became a big thing). I was so shocked that people who preached love and acceptance and all of that would want to go out of their way to create an unhappy life for a large group of people. It disgusted me. And now he is saying the same thing. He told me that “gay people need people like you in their life to preach to them and witness to them and change them.” And I wanted to tell him that people like him were the reason that I am no longer sure I believe.
AND THEN he proceeded to preach to the patients I was setting up. Instead of the usual small talk it was “Hi Im steve I am an ordained minister and a biker and I am in a motorcycle group called bikers for Christ and blah blah blah blah blah” It was actually sort of entertaining to listen to him work it into the conversation. These people are here for medical problems not bible study. Ugh.
AND he is so very very judgy. For someone who is all about “Oh, God will judge at the end, I haven’t the authority to judge now,” he was very excited about telling me about how he wants to tap dance on his “evil ex wife’s grave to ding dong the which is dead”. And we were watching the news as we were tucking my second patient into bed and something came on about how Jessica Simpson had to cancel her concert in providence bc of a kidney thing. He then just rolls his eyes and says “oh, shes anorexic.” And walks out of the room.
How dare he say do not judge and then something like that in the same half hour. He doesn’t know her or anything about her life and if he took one good look at her without stereotyping her as some dumb blonde popstar then he’d realize that she is WAY too chubby and curvy to be anorexic. She is thin, but she doesn’t really do much all day besides work out. (watch Newlyweds, its true.) It just really bugged me that he could sit around and talk about how good he is and how much of a Christian he is and blah blah how he leads bike blessings and yadda yadda.
So he was babbling so long that I didn’t get out of work until 11:40 (I was supposed to be out at 11) and didn’t get home til 12 or asleep til 1. Then I had to get back to CCC for 8 but I slept in and got here at 9 and got yelled at (sort of). And THEN I just had a lot of shitty annoying things happen, including numerous obnoxious calls from patronizing people. One woman called because she had gotten some Garelick Farms milk and the container had split and she was very upset. We make the containers and sell them to Garelick, so she assumed that we would obviously be able to solve the problem. Heres a solution: I’ll fucking buy you a new gallon of milk. Please quit telling me that this is an emergency and that you MUST speak with the plant manager. Its an oops thing, return the milk to stop and shop and get a new one for free.
Ugh. Also, some guy called and was like “well I was trying to reach so and so but his number is disconnected and well that’s just not good is it…” What? Of course its not good because now you’re bothering me. Just tell me who you want to speak with and we’ll figure it out, quit trying to be cute and funny.
In other news, I found out that I actually have tomorrow off for a CPR exam at the hospital. That means I’ll only be working 830 to 230 and then again from 7 to 11(ish). I don’t even know what im going to do with my time off.
:) whee!
I miss my friends a lot. I’m so used to going out every night, this is so rare to go days without seeing them.
*sigh. This weekend though. However, they are going to turningstone. Stupid gambling.
Ugh I keep doing everything wrong… its likely that I subconsciously want them to fire me.
ok time to be productive.
OH and Kate Wheatcroft has been added to my List Of Favorites.
That is all.