Fragments of my Heart 5/?

Jan 05, 2011 20:00

Title: Fragments of my Heart
Author: sam_theninja24
Pairing: Onkey
Genre: Romance, drama, supernatural
Rating: R
Summary: When I was assigned to guard the demon Kim Kibum, everything changed. Now, because of him, I’m picking up the fragments of my heart.

I am the loving, caring, and perfect wife of Kim Jonghyun. The owner of Gefrorenberge prison, the man behind it all. I get everything I want, when I want it. No matter what the cost.

I lifted the knife slowly and rose from my kneeling position beside the operating table Lee Jinki currently lay on. I used as many restraints as I possibly could, tightening so much that they were on the verge of being painful. There would defiantly be marks where the straps dug into his skin, tainting his flawless skin. I enjoyed torturing people, humans were nasty creatures that needed to be punished. Especially those that were as beautiful as the man lying beside me, my eyes wandered towards his thin hands, worn from profuse training. I knew exactly what method of torture I would be using, one of my favorites in fact. It was painful enough for him to fear me and eventually agree to the deal I had offered, but wouldn’t destroy his features so that I would longer want him.

I strode away from the operating table towards the rack that held my knives and other tortures devices, scanning the rack for the item that would be most useful for this particular method. I was aware that he was trying to look at me, but I was sure that he wouldn’t be able to because I had attached the restraints to his head as well as other parts of his body. I knew he would resist and that was exactly what I liked about him, I despised people that were easy to get. I liked a challenge, although the weaker of the human race were of use occasionally. Jonghyun for example, the earlier I had him, the faster I was able to use him. The one thing I couldn’t figure out about him was whether or not that man was allowing me to use him, that was one thing he was decent at. I could almost never read that man’s mind, his emotions where extremely difficult to decipher.

Just like Kibum.

The mere thought of Kibum angered me and snarled before roughly grabbing a knife and tool very similar to a chisel, but wider and exceptionally sharper. I held them up to the dim light for several seconds, admiring them and debating whether or not to clean them. If I didn’t clean them, he would most likely become infected. Infection was a nasty thing to have when it came to this sort of torture. Though I did want to break him, I didn’t want to just yet. Thus, I took out a bottle of cleaning fluid and soaked a cloth in it, quickly swiping it across each tool. I smirked before turning my head in Jinki’s direction,

“I would prepare myself if I were you.” He didn’t answer me. I sneered, he was seriously conceited. I would show him who was really in charge of Gefrorenberge prison, after this he would defiantly not try and cause trouble again. But I would make sure he came back again; I could pay Mir to stir up some trouble for me. I had several soldiers that would easily work for me, they would do whatever I asked as long as I handed over the money. This wasn’t hard for me to do, Jonghyun had a fortune and whenever I asked for a handful of it he would immediately agree to it. I always had some kind of excuse though; he wouldn’t give me some without reason. As stupid as that man was, he wasn’t that stupid. I quickly snatched up the cloth I had used to clean the tools with and returned to the table, dropping down beside him. I held the cloth above his face and smirked slightly, “If you get tired of screaming, you can bite on this.” He frowned and looked away, unable to do anything more.

I gently touched his hand and set the tools I had chosen beside it, running a finger down it slowly. I then released his hand and stood once again, holding up the two tools for him to see.

“I’m sure you’re bored with my knives already, so I’ll use this one. I’m sure it will be just as fun.” I told him, waving the chisel-like tool in front of his face. His expression hardened and he continued staring ahead, ignoring me. I just snorted before gently picking up one hand, giving him the impression that I would be nice about this. I leaned closer and took his pinky finger in my hand before roughly shoving the tip of the chisel between his nail and finger, ripping the sensitive skin between apart. He bit his lip roughly and let out loud curse. I dug deeper, moving the chisel back and forth in between his nail and blood began leaking from the wound, spilling onto my hands. He grunted and I smirked slightly before roughly jerking upward with the tool, ripping the nail halfway from his finger. He gasped and squirmed, if he were free he most likely would have grabbed his bleeding hand by now, but that wasn’t about to happen.

I dug around between the nail some more, gaining severe pleasure from his grunts of pain. I stopped suddenly, a brand new idea popping into my brain. I chuckled before rushing to the table below my rack of tools, excited to try out my new idea. I grabbed the bottle of cleaning fluid and quickly returned to the table, unscrewing the top while walking. I dropped back down, level to his hand, and tilted the bottle of fluid above his injured finger. I watched intently as it slowly poured from the bottle, landing on the finger and mixing with the blood. He let out a particularly loud grunt and I smiled, just the reaction I wanted. He grunted out a small protest,

“What the hell are you doin-”

“Hush, I’m just having fun.” I said placing a finger to his lips, red and swollen from where he had been biting them to deal with the pain I was causing him. He was strong, but it’s much harder to deal with pain when you’re strapped to a table and can do nothing about it, can’t escape, can’t fight back. He was doing very well actually, most people are begging me to stop the second I jab the tool in between the nail in the skin. I began to wonder just how many nails I could destroy before he finally asked me to stop. A hand and three fingers maybe? I returned my attention to his hand once again after he had quieted down, I then dipped the tool into the cleaning fluid (despite the fact it was covered in blood) and positioned it at the tip of his pointer finger. I gently glided it between the nail before pulling the chisel towards me, ripping the skin sideways this time instead of bringing it toward his finger. I’m guessing this may have hurt a little more because when I looked at his face, blood was leaking down his chin from him biting down so fiercely. I laughed quietly and then held the chisel before his face, a mix of blood and cleaning solution dripping onto his cheek and slipping down. He didn’t even flinch.

Without warning, the click of a door echoed throughout the room and I grabbed Jinki’s wrist roughly, as if he could jump up and run out the door. The person who had opened the door wasn’t speaking and I couldn’t see him because the room was dimly lit. I was becoming more and more concerned with each second, if the person was a soldier that was unaware of our punishments he might run and tell the rest of the soldiers. The soldiers that knew of our methods of discipline were instructed not to tell, or more severe punishment would ensue. But if this man did not know, he could run now and there would be nothing I could do because there was no way I could just run off and leave Jinki alone on the operating table. Jinki was struggling to turn his head and I looked down at him, his facial expression was blank.

Just like Kibum.

“Sekyung.” I tore my eyes from Jinki’s to look at the man in the doorway, Jonghyun. I don’t understand, it wasn’t like him to interfere with the things that I did. I released Jinki’s wrist and angrily responded to him,

“What do you want, can’t you see I’m busy?”

“I think that it’s about time you finished.” I snarled angrily, I was acting like some kind of toddler, immediately acting up like this. But I couldn’t help it. I was frustrated and angry, I just couldn’t just say no to him. That’s the problem with manipulating someone, you can’t always control them. Especially in this place, I like to think that I was in charge, but in reality he could kick me out at any second. I guess being him was just a part of my fantasy world.

“But you told me I could do this, Jonghyun.” He gave me a slight smirk, confusing me even more than I already was. Jonghyun never smirked at me, never. He only smiled at me, or sometimes frowned, but he never smirked and he was never angry with me. When I made no move to leave, he strode over to me before grabbing my wrist and throwing me from the room, slamming the door behind me. I stood outside the door, shaking angrily. I had the strong urge to cry as well, I didn’t like this side of Jonghyun. The one I couldn’t control, I needed to be in control of everything. It was one of my faults. I pulled at my hair, I hadn’t cried or felt the need to since I was three years old. I hated this…. and it was all Lee Jinki’s fault. I was perfectly fine until he came, refusing everything that I offered. Not only challenging me, but completely ignoring me. Not wanting me.

Just like Kibum.


I’m the demon Kim Kibum, who believed I couldn’t love.
That is, until I met him.

I needed to solve this problem, right now. Jinki was mine to kill, mine to torture and someone else was trying to take that job from me. I searched my brain, trying to find any possible way to stop this craziness. That’s when I had an idea, I hurriedly got down onto my knees and placed my hands together in a way similar to praying. I muttered the short incantation that would insure that my plan would work, flawlessly.

“Secunda Vir.” My soul began splitting in two and I took even deep breaths, if I were to become panicked the procedure could disrupt the soul splitting, causing the second form to be caught between. This would lead to another procedure, this one very painful. I would have to tear the exposed part of my second self away, ripping it apart and causing me much pain. I was hoping to avoid this, I’d had to do this once before and was not eager to try it once again.

My second form was smoky, almost invisible. It would easily be able to navigate it’s way through this prison and to Jinki, where I could kill whoever was trying to do my job. That wasn’t my plan though, no. I would control Jonghyun and remove Jinki from the clutches of the person causing him pain, freeing him and making it able for him to return here so that I could continue with my plans for him. This would be over quickly, I would make sure of it.


I’m a proud soldier and I don’t regret anything I did in Gefrorenberge, despite the fact that any normal person would. I also don’t regret falling in love with the demon, Kim Kibum. He made me who I am today.

Honestly, I knew who it was the second they spoke and was slightly surprised that Sekyung didn’t identify her husband immediately. Even if he was obviously being used by her, I would’ve thought she would know who he was. That wasn’t the thing that surprised me the most though, the fact that Jonghyun was telling her to stop torturing me was much more shocking. Without warning, he suddenly threw her from the room and slammed the door behind her. I tried to turn my head when the clicking of the lock rang through the room, what the hell was he trying to do? Was he just disposing of her so that he could torture me instead? Every drop of hope instantly drained from my body, so this wouldn’t end any time soon.

I must admit, as much as having my nails ripped from my hands hurt, I was expecting much worse from her. I was hoping if I added in a couple moans and grunts she would believe that I was sin excruciating pain and release me quickly, which I wasn’t. I had endured much worse pain in past experiences.

Jonghyun walked over to me and quickly popped each of the leather straps holding me to the table, I let out a sigh of relief. No more of this crap. Honestly, the fucking leather straps were much more annoying than her ripping off my nails. They were uncomfortable and slightly painful and I knew that there would most likely be marks left behind from where they were. I didn’t want people questioning me on it, especially not Kibum. I didn’t want to go through questioning with him, who knows what kinds of methods that sadist used. I lifted my arm from the table and brushed my bangs over the mark, hopefully that would make it less noticeable and Kibum wouldn’t question my absence.

I lifted myself from the table, flinching as pain shot up my back. Similar to the pain you feel after sleeping on the floor, I’m sure you know the feeling. I stretched a little, letting my back crack several times, and glanced over at Jonghyun. I raised an eyebrow; he wasn’t paying any attention to me. One would think that he would have been annoying me somehow by now, but it seems he was doing several very unexpected things at the moment. Not only had he kicked his wife out of the room and helped me, but now he was admiring the rack of tools as if he had never seen it before in his life. I jumped off the table and began walking towards him, but he held his hand out, telling me to stop. This was getting more and more confusing with each second.

“Leave.” I snorted, I deserved an explanation. I then decided that it was pointless to even ask because it would most likely start something that I didn’t want to deal with and quickly left the room. Sekyung stood outside, waiting and shaking with anger. I shook my head and sighed before turning away and walking down the hall, debating on whether or not I should go back to Kibum like Jonghyun had asked or go beat up that fat ass Shindong for being such a wimp and calling his friends to try and beat me up instead of coming to me himself. They were both pretty crappy things to do considering I hated both of them.

Before I could decide on which to do though, a hand reached out from one of the dark doorways beside me and latched onto my arm while covering my mouth, pulling me into the darkness. I struggled for several seconds only to relax when he clarified his identity.

“Chill. It’s Minho.” I replied, but the sound was instantly muffled by his hand. I stepped back when he released me, wiping the hand that covered my mouth on his pants and grimacing. I gave him a questioning look before asking,

“So why exactly did you just grab me and drag me into a dark corner?” Minho glanced around for several seconds before digging around in his pocket for something. It turned out to be a folded piece of paper, he fiddled with it for a second before checking his surroundings again and completely folding it out. I looked over his shoulder and pressed my lips together, trying to contain my surprise at what he had managed to get.

A map of the whole facility.

Minho turned around and looked at me, as if he was asking for my opinion on the whole matter. The only thought that had entered my brain after seeing this though was where exactly he had gotten it. Had he stolen it or did someone give it to him? Minho could obviously sense his confusion because he shook his head and started to speak,

“Don’t ask me where I got it okay? Story for a different time.” I nodded, that was fair enough. I took another look at the map he was holding and he handed it to me. “Just be careful, we wouldn’t want anybody to find out about this. I trust you.” I gave him a small smile and looked down at the map in my hands, there were so many tunnels and rooms that I had no idea existed. He tapped his finger on one room, “I believe that’s where you are.” We both froze simultaneously, how on earth would he know where I stayed? Did that mean he knew about Kibum as well? I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by a sound echoing down the hallway towards us, Minho cursed under his breath before grabbing the map and shoving it back into his pocket. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me in the direction of the door at the end of the hall, as we rushed towards it I silently prayed that whoever it was or whatever it was coming down the hall wouldn’t get to us when we stopped to go through security.

The noise had stopped, but Minho and I were still uneasy as he rushed through the security. The image of the man who had skipped a step the first day or so I was here immediately popped into my mind, his screaming figure. I was trusting that Minho wouldn’t make a mistake and get us killed, when the door swung open with no problem I let out a sigh of relief. Minho grabbed me and pulled us out into the cold, several trucks were passing through, but no planes. He brought out the paper again and groaned when a cheerful shout came from behind him.

“Minho hyung! What are you doing?” Dammit, I cursed. It was that overly happy kid. He rushed up to us and latched himself to Minho’s arm, glancing down at the paper before letting his eyes rest on me. “Oh, hello Jinki. I didn’t think you knew Minho as well as it seems.” He sounded slightly upset and I hurriedly rushed in with an excuse.

“Well I don’t, we just met the other day and seem to get along well.” Taemin nodded before suddenly ripping the paper from Minho’s hand, Minho yelped in surprise and glared angrily at the younger man. Taemin stared at the paper for several seconds before he looked back at Minho, handing him back the paper. He looked hurt.

“That’s so mean, hyung.” Minho just shoved the paper inot his pocket, looking confused. I took a step back, starting to get the feeling I shouldn’t get involved.

“How am I mean? You shouldn’t accuse people of things like that Taem-”

“You were planning to escape with Jinki hyung, it’s pretty obvious… you know, holding that map and all. I may be young, but I’m not stupid.” Minho sighed angrily before speaking once again,

“We’ll talk about this later, I need to talk to Jinki right now.”

“I’m sure. Planning your escape. Without me.” This was getting unbelievably awkward for me, and every time I would try and step away Minho would grab me and pull me back to them. Minho was starting to get angry, I could tell. He opened his mouth to argue once again with him, but without warning a soldier suddenly ran up to us, panting. He wiped the sweat from his brow before turning to Minho.

“It’s Leeteuk, sir. He was shot. I was told you have a bunk across from him and thought I would notify you.” I expected Minho to wave the man off and tell him that he didn’t give a shit whether or not Leeteuk had been shot, but surprisingly he asked the other soldier how his condition was and if he would be okay or not. That’s when I realized the mistake I had made, I had become much to absorbed in this. So much in fact, that I had forgotten.

About Kibum.

A/N: So sorry I didn’t update Monday. I’ve decided to make Wednesday my day for updates, because Monday is just too stressful for me. But on the bright side, a bunch of SHINee, Super Junior, and Big Bang things I had ordered came in the mail today! ☺ Thanks for reading! Love you guys!

Oh… and I didn’t really edit this. Didn’t have the time. Sorry if there are grammar or spelling mistakes! ☹

rating: r, fanfic, onkey, shinee

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