Pen Pals 5/?

Dec 31, 2010 22:27

Title: Pen Pals
Author: sam_theninja24
Rating: PG-13/PG-15
Pairings: 2min, (slight) Onkey
Genre: Romance, AU, Friendship
Summary: Minho finally gets to meet his pen pal of 5 years, Lee Taemin.

Other Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Taemin rolled over for the umpteenth time that night, trying his best to get some sleep if possible. After Minho had taken the key they had gone to find their room, once found they discovered that the room had only one bed. How terrific. Taemin liked to think that this was all Minho’s fault for his bad choice of room keys. After a couple minutes of arguing, the two had decided that it was best they both just sleep in the same bed and pretend like it never happened the next day. Sadly though, Taemin was beginning to think that this would be a little hard from him to forget… because he couldn’t sleep and all, yeah… That was it. Not because Minho was sleeping shirtless and all.

Taemin peeled off a layer of sheets, was it a little hot in here? He glanced over at Minho, who was sleeping peacefully and quietly snoring, his bare shoulders exposed. Taemin gulped, beginning to think he was hanging out with Kibum too often. Maybe his gayness was rubbing off. He couldn’t take this any longer, this was way to awkward for him to handle. He hopped out of the bed and walked into the bathroom, splashed some cold water on his face, and prepared to sleep on the floor.

He grabbed his and Minho’s jackets and laid them on the floor, smoothing out the creases and grabbing his pillow from the bed. He then set the pillow on the edge of the jackets before lying down on his new ‘bed’. Taemin sighed, thinking of an excuse to tell Minho that he might understand and not get angry about. Taemin was sensitive and Minho got angry easily, plus, he was hoping to avoid situations like the ‘picture incident’ if possible. Taemin then closed his eyes and prepared for sleep to come.

That’s when he heard it. Voices. Outside of their room. Taemin sat up from newly made bed on the floor and looked around. He then got on all fours and crawled over to the window beside the door, peeking out. He couldn’t see though, so Taemin breathed onto the window and wiped away the frost that had formed. Seeing what was outside, Taemin flinched, it looked a lot like a bunch of thugs. Not only were they thugs, but they were breaking into their neighbors room. They bashed the window in with the bat the biggest of the group held in his hand. Taemin silently prayed that they would just ignore their room and walk right by it, but when he saw the thugs approaching the thought of hiding completely fled his mind.

Taemin shot up from his hiding spot under the window and ran to Minho’s sleeping form lying in the bed, harshly shaking him.

“Minho hyung! Hyung!” Minho grunted before rolling away and pulling the covers over his head. Taemin cursed under his breath and tried to wake him again, only to fling himself on top of the older boy as hard as he possible after his other attempts to wake him had failed.

“God dammit! Taemin? What the hell was tha-” Taemin quickly slapped a hand over the protesting boy’s mouth.

“Hyung! There’s a bunch of thugs outside of our room and I think they’re gonna break in and hurt u-” There was a sudden crash and Taemin quickly covered his face as hundreds of tiny glass shards came flying towards them at lightning speed. Minho tried his best to as well, but several of them managed to get lodged into the right side of his face. Minho touched the stinging cuts tenderly, letting out a cry as Taemin roughly grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bathroom. Taemin hushed the older before quickly closing the door with shaking hands and fiddling with the lock. After locking him and Minho inside, he grabbed Minho once again and quickly pulled him into the bathtub with him and flung the curtain shut.

Taemin sat, clinging to Minho’s arm and praying that he would get out of this situation alive. He had lived in one place his whole life, never gone out this late at night, much less gotten mugged. Minho glanced over at the trembling boy and gave him a timid little pat on the head, he wasn’t the best comforter in the world and they didn’t get along great, but he was pretty pitiful looking right now. Like a homeless animal on the side of the road or something, something you want to take care of and tell them everything is going to be all right. Taemin just whimpered, nails digging into Minho’s arm. If the boy wasn’t completely terrified and the situation was different, Minho would have told him to get the fuck off of him, but it wasn’t. So he guessed that it was okay.

A couple of minutes passed and the thugs were still digging through drawers and jacket pockets, Minho was beginning to think that they would skip the bathroom since they hadn’t even walked past it yet. Taemin’s breathing had long since evened out, yet he still had a firm grasp on his arm.

“Man, you want me to check the bathroom?”

“Yeah man, who knows what kinda shit they keep in there.” The other man let out a low laugh before agreeing and walking towards the bathroom where the two were currently sitting inside of, silently cursing the thug for suggesting such a stupid idea. Taemin’s breathing became erratic again and he scooted closer to Minho, his grip on the other’s arm painfully tight. The thug could be heard outside, trying to turn the doorknob, but wasn’t able to because the terrified boys inside had locked it.

“What the fuck? Yo man! It won’t open! Can I kick the door in?” Taemin frantically shook his head and Minho continuously mouthed the word no, praying that they would just give up and move on to the next room.

“Yeah man! Do it!” The other cheered and there was silence before the door came flying in with a large crash. Taemin opened his mouth to scream, but Minho hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, stopping the younger’s scream. He pressed a finger to his lips and Taemin nodded slightly, prying Minho’s hand from his mouth. The thug had started digging through the contents stored beneath the sink, throwing unwanted things behind him. He suddenly called to the man in the other room, cackling,

“There’s nothing in this… unless your wife needs some more shampoo!”

“Shut it you mutherfucker, my wife doesn’t need any of this shit. Got it? I outta smash your head in with this bat!” The man’s laughter slowly died down and Taemin crossed his fingers as the man started to leave the bathroom, hoping that they would remain undiscovered.

Meet me at the hotel room
Meet me at the hotel room
Meet me at the hotel room
Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room.
You can bring your girlfriends and meet me at the hotel room.

“What the fuck?!” Minho’s hand flew to his pockets and he anxiously fumbled around in search of the sound that was blowing their cover. Minho’s cell fell from his pocket and he flinched when it hit the bathtub’s bottom with a crack, vibrating across the smooth surface. “Yo man! There’s someone in there!” Taemin grabbed Minho’s phone that was supposed to be broken and feverishly pressed the off button before banging it violently on the bathtub in an attempt to turn the damn thing off. He quickly dropped it and attached himself to Minho’s arm as the shower curtain flew open revealing two thugs that didn’t look to happy to see them.

“Well lookie what we have here… thought you could hide from us, didn’t ya?” Taemin gulped and turned away, burying his face into Minho’s shoulder. Minho stared at the man before them, lips pressed thin, not responding. The thug stared back, smacking the bat he held into his opposite hand repeatedly and stepping forward. Minho bent his neck so that his mouth was centimeters away from the younger man’s ear.

“Run.” Taemin frowned, not processing his request. Minho repeated himself, more urgently this time. Taemin slowly nodded into his shoulder and suddenly flung himself from the bathtub, passed the thug, and fell onto his face before quickly getting up again and running into the other room. The thug turned to hit him with his bat as he ran, but Minho got up as well and grabbed the bat, stopping the thug and trying his best to throw the guy to the ground. This was practically impossible though, seeing as Minho was scrawny and the man before him was extremely tall and muscled.

After Taemin ran from the bathroom he stumbled over towards the supply closet. He yanked it open and grabbed the first thing there, a broom. He then sprinted back towards the bathroom, where the two thugs were beating Minho who was unable to defend himself. Taemin suddenly grew unbelievably angry. He quickly snuck behind the closest man and caught Minho’s eye, giving him a slight smile before his face became contorted with rage once again. Minho’s eyes widened,

“What the hell are you doing!? Run!” This caught the one thugs attention and he turned towards Taemin, only to get roughly smacked across the head with the broom. The man cried out and stumbled backwards before falling backwards, head hitting the edge of the tub with a sickening crack. Blood leaked down the side of the bathtub, staining the once white surface.

It was quiet for a moment and everyone in the room just froze. Taemin lowered the broom, breathing heavily and staring into the eyes of the other thug.

“DON’T. EVER. TOUCH. MY. PEN PAL.” The thug just nodded slightly, terrified, before running from the boy holding the broom like some kind of weapon. He didn’t even grab his friend, he just ran away and jumped through the window. Fleeing into the night. Minho opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, no sound coming out. Taemin let out a timid little laugh, “Um… you okay?” This was even more awkward than sleeping in the same bed.

“A-am I okay?” Taemin nodded and Minho gently touched his bruised face, “Yeah… I guess.” They’re gazes fell upon the man lying on the ground, head still bleeding.

“Did I kill him?” Taemin asked nervously. Minho shook his head before bending down and giving the thug a quick inspection.

“I don’t think so… he’s just knocked out. Might have a concussion.” Taemin just nodded, though he didn’t know what Minho had just said he guessed that the guy would be okay considering Minho wasn’t looking at him like he was some kind of killer. Minho must have been unaware that he had been speaking in English. He glanced over at the phone in the corner of the bathtub, screen still glowing slightly despite the large crack and being banged on the side of the tub. Taemin then walked passed the bleeding man, bent down, and picked up the phone before turning to Minho.

“Who should we call first? Kibum or the police?” Minho raised an eyebrow, obviously not understanding anything but the word Kibum. Taemin sighed before pointing to his chest, trying to symbolize a police officers badge and then pointing to phone. Minho nodded, understanding. “Or” He pointed to the phone. “Kibum?” Minho glanced and the man on the floor, thinking, before turning back to Taemin and grinning.

“Kibum.” Taemin laughed and Minho suddenly became aware of just how pretty Taemin was. He stared at the boy for several seconds before blurting out, “You’re pretty.” He immediately regretted it after it had slipped from his lips though, he looked at his feet and blushed. Taemin opened his mouth, but Minho quickly interrupted. “U-um, I’m going to go and see if they took any of our stuff! Tell me the plan after you finish talking to Kibum!” He then ran from the room before Taemin could even respond.


Kibum was still awake, as was Jinki, despite the other’s constant protests. The man wouldn’t go to sleep until Kibum felt okay and was ready to go to sleep with him. Kibum sat on the couch in between his boyfriend’s legs, trying his best to watch some television. He glanced over at his phone sitting on the coffee table, it remained silent. It had been for the past four hours.

“They still haven’t called.” Jinki rubbed Kibum’s arm, trying his best to comfort him, but Kibum just smacked his hand away. “I’m fine.” Jinki sighed,

“No you’re no-

Step up in the party like my name was bad bitc-

Kibum immediately flung himself from the couch and grabbed the phone, pressing the answer button repeatedly and holding the phone to his ear.


Hey Kibum hy-

“My baby!”

Uh yeah, I gues-

“Are you okay? Tell me where you are Umma will come and pick you up, okay? Did that creeper boy Minho rape you? I’ll freaking kill him.” Kibum was obviously just a little bit overtired.

Um… umma… could you please hand the phone to Jinki hyung? Kibum opened his mouth to protest and go on a rant about how offended he was that he didn’t want to talk to his poor umma who had missed him so very much, but Jinki quickly intervened and grabbed the cell from him, hurriedly pressing it to his ear. He gave Kibum his signature smile to keep him quiet and rushed to his room, shutting the door behind him.

“Sorry about that, he’s just a little bit overtired.”

I know… I’ve lived next to the guy my whole life practically.

“Well then, obviously someone else is a little overtired too.”

I know, sorry. It’s been a long day and I’ll tell you all about it some other time, but you need to pick up Minho and I first. We’re at some hotel downtown, a real shitty, rundown kind of place.

I think I know the place your talking about. Is that the place where there’s always a bunch of shootings?

What the- I don’t know!

It probably is. I’ll be there in a bit, once I get Kibum to go to sleep because I just know he’ll want to tag along.

Okay. See you then.

Jinki pressed the end call button and left the room, grinning triumphantly at the sight before him. Kibum was asleep, which meant he wouldn’t raise hell when he tried to leave without him to go pick up his precious son! Jinki did a small victory dance before grabbing his wallet and keys and heading out the door. He shut it quietly, praying that he wouldn’t wake up the man inside. Not only was he overtired, but if you wake him up he is the bitchiest person on the face of the earth.

He let out a sigh of relief as the door shut making almost no sound at all, victory. He turned and skipped down the steps happily, almost taking a tumble down them when he slipped on a patch of ice. After a quick recovery he walked towards his car parked in the apartment’s parking lot and unlocked it. He then slid inside, sliding his key into the ignition and starting the car. Jinki smiled before turning up the radio’s volume and driving away in search of a certain hotel.

A/N: OMG I haven’t updated in forever! I’m sorry ☹ I was working on my new onkey story, Fragments of my Heart. So my bad… Thanks for reading it anyway though (if you read it, that is.)

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