Pen Pals 3/?

Nov 18, 2010 17:27

Title: Pen Pals
Author: sam_theninja24
Rating: PG (It has some cursing)
Pairings: 2min, (slight) Onkey
Genre: Romance, AU, Friendship
Summary: Minho finally gets to meet his pen pal of 5 years, Lee Taemin.

Taemin was extremely frustrated. He wanted to impress Minho more than anything, and yet none of his current clothes would help him do so. Taemin had spent the past two hours wading through an ocean of clothes, half of which was too small. The other half was stuff Kibum had bought for him that he never would’ve worn anyway, but accepted with a smile on his face. He flung himself backwards with a sigh; this wasn’t going to work. There were a couple things he could do, but all he wanted to do now was cry in defeat. He sniffled and picked up his phone, flipped it open and scrolling down his list of contacts. With his finger hovering above the call button, he paused. Was this really the only option? It was, and he knew it. Groaning, he hit the button and lifted the phone to his ear, grimacing.

“Almighty Key speaking, how may I help you?” Taemin bit his lip,

“H-hyung? Is it possible you could you come over a little earlier?”

“How much earlier?”

“Like… now….” He replied, chuckling nervously. He flinched at Kibum’s sigh on the other end he hurriedly added on, “Well you don’t have to come over, I just-”

“Of course I’ll come over Taeminnie, do you have no faith in me whatsoever? You just gotta remember some of us do have a life, even if you don’t. What’s the big emergency, anyway?”

“Well… well, I can’t find anything to wear.” Kibum gasped,

“God almighty, why didn’t you call a frickin’ hour earlier?! No, why didn’t you tell me this the second I picked up the phone!? I’ll be right over.”

Seeing as Kibum lived right next door, it didn’t take too long for the doorbell to ring. Taemin rushed to it and ushered Kibum into his room, begging for him to be quiet. The last thing he needed was for Minho to hear Kibum’s yells and come out of his room to ask what was going on. Kibum stepped into the room and shook his head, massaging his temple.

“This room is a mess. You are so lucky you have me…” Kibum surveyed the room, then looked at Taemin with an eyebrow raised.

“Is there any particular reason all the clothes I’ve ever bought you is a part of this crap?” Taemin flinched and stepped back,

“Well, I just… didn’t think they were appropriate for this specific occasion…” Kibum snorted,

“Nice try, you will be wearing the clothes I bought you. They’re the only good clothes you own.” He bent down, picking up various shirts and sorting them into two different piles. Taemin gave him a confused look,

‘Hyung, what are you doing?” Kibum turned to him,

“I’m making yes and no piles. It’s a process, Taemin. A process. Now do me a favor and do the same with your pants.” Taemin nodded and set to work, determined.

A couple minutes later, Taemin skipped over to Kibum and said happily,

“I’m finished!” Kibum walked over to his piles and pursed his lips, then rearranged them completely. Taemin frowned, “Why didn’t you like anything I chose?” Kibum just sighed and shook his head. He then shoved a pile of clothes into Taemin’s arms.

“Change.” Taemin pouted and walked into his bathroom, Kibum tidying up the room while waiting. Kibum looked up, smirking, when Taemin timidly peeked out from the bathroom.

“Hyuuung… I don’t think I can walk in these pants.”

“They’ll stretch out, now get out here.” Taemin began shuffling out from behind the door, blushing and looking at his feet. Kibum, a blinding smile on his face, ran to the younger boy.

“You. Look. Absolutely gorgeous.” Taemin grimaced; this outfit was way out of his comfort zone. His everyday clothing usually consisted of tennis shoes, sweats, and a t-shirt, all of which weren’t a part of what he was currently wearing. He would never wear skinny jeans this tight… or some stupid band tank top, he didn’t even know what band it was! Not to mention the converse he was wearing were seriously uncomfortable…

“I don’t feel comfortable in this.”

“Well that’s a real bummer, because I’m forcing you to wear it. Now let’s go… he’s probably wondering what the hell we’re doing in here.” Kibum began dragging the younger boy out of his room and into the living room, were Minho was currently waiting patiently. Minho turned and smiled when the two boys walked into the room, eye’s widening in surprise when he laid eyes on Taemin. Taemin bit his lip, why on earth did he think asking Kibum to dress him was a good idea?

“I like your outfit Taemin.” Taemin’s jaw dropped, he liked it? Kibum turned to him, giving him a smug smile. He then looked Minho and said, proudly,

“I chose it, aren’t my fashion skills amazing?” Minho chuckled and nodded. Kibum turned back to Taemin,

“See? I bet your happy now, he’ll be all over you before the night ends!” Taemin gave him a horrified expression and replied, practically screaming,

“I don’t want him all over me! I don’t like him like that!” Kibum just nodded, grinning.

“You say that now… but soon enou-” Taemin covered his mouth before he could say anything else that would embarrass him, breathing a sigh of relief at Minho’s confused expression. Sometimes the fact he can barely speak or understand Korean isn’t such a bad thing… Linking arms with the other two, Taemin started walking towards the door. Suddenly Minho froze, motioning for Taemin to stop. Taemin obeyed, confused. Minho ran back into the house, returning a couple seconds later with a sweatshirt in his hand. He slipped it over Taemin’s head and said nervously,

“You’ll freeze, all you’re wearing is a tank top.” Taemin blushed and flipped up the sweatshirts hood, grabbing Kibum and dragging him out the door. Minho just shrugged and followed the two out the door.

Once outside, Taemin (who had recovered from his previous embarrassment) cheerfully told Kibum to tell Minho their plans for the afternoon. Kibum nodded and turned to Minho, smiling,

“So, Taeminnie has planned a really fun day for all of us, so even if you don’t enjoy it pretend like you do. Understand?” Minho nodded, frowning at Kibum’s demanding tone. “ Good. We’re planning to go see a movie, eat some pizza, and hopefully go ice-skating. That is, if the place is open. Sound good to you?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Alrighty then. I’ll be driving; you and Tamein are sitting in the back. My bag always gets the passenger seat; I wouldn’t want it to fall over in the trunk or something.” Said Kibum, while getting in the car. Minho opened the door nearest to him for Taemin, smiling, Taemin mumbled a small thanks and hopped in the car.


A little while later the three were standing outside of the movie theatre trying to decide what to watch, each one wanting to watch a different movie.

“I really want to see a horror movie.” Announced Taemin.

“Taemin, hell to the no. We are going to see a romance.”

“Is comedy okay?” The two turned to Minho,

“No.” Minho shrugged and leaned against the parked car,

“Rock paper scissors?” Taemin smirked and grabbed Minho’s hand,

“You’ll see a horror movie right, Minho hyung? For me?” Minho grimaced and nodded; the cuteness was overwhelming. “Two beats one! We’re seeing a horror movie!” Taemin chirped, skipping around the car.

“Damn.” Taemin continued his skipping, smiling smugly in Kibum’s direction. Kibum made a face in response, “way to rub it in, buddy.”

Taemin stuck out his tongue and grabbed Minho’s hand, humming happily. Minho’s stomach lurched and he gently removed his hand from the younger boy’s grasp in alarm. Frowning slightly, Taemin took Kibum’s hand instead and began walking into the theatre. Minho shoved his hands in his pockets and followed.

After Minho had insisted on buying their tickets and the three bought all the junk food they could with their limited amount of cash, they now sat in the theatre. Taemin was in the middle, legs up against his chest, hood up, happily snuggling in Minho’s sweatshirt. Kibum sat with a bored expression on his face, shoveling popcorn in his mouth and occasionally stopping to take a small sip of soda. Minho was a completely different story though, the other two hadn’t noticed yet, but Minho was not a fan of horror. He was pressed against the seat, sweaty, rigid, barely breathing, and clutching the arm rests with as much strength as humanly possible. He was beyond terrified, and the movie hadn’t even started yet.

The lights dimmed and Minho grunted, grasping the seat with even more force than before. He glanced sideways at Taemin, who was smiling happily at the first scene. Minho flinched; he was smiling at a murder scene. What the hell? Taemin turned to look at Minho, their eyes met briefly before Minho quickly looked away. He quickly let go of the seat and wiped the sweat from his face, letting out a loud yelp when something popped out. Taemin just giggled. He glanced over at Taemin again, what was he trying to prove? The answer was suddenly clear to Minho. Taemin was obviously testing him. This was a test of masculinity. What else could it be? ‘It could be he’s just enjoying the movie’ said the small voice in the back of Minho’s brain, but he ignored it. Therefore he made a decision, he would not scream for the rest of the movie.

This plan was much harder than Minho had originally thought. He had screamed five times already and Taemin hadn’t screamed at all! He was beginning to feel like a total loser. He was obviously much more manly than Taemin, so why was it that he was screaming like a little girl and Taemin wasn’t screaming at all? When he felt Taemin’s eyes on him, he swallowed nervously. Oh god, he’s probably thinking about what a total sissy I am. Taemin gave his friend a concerned look; Minho didn’t look so good. He was sweating and his face was as white as a sheet. He set his hand on top of the older boy’s.

“You okay?” he whispered. Minho flinched at the younger boy’s touch and jerked his hand away, searching for some kind of excuse for his fear when his phone suddenly began vibrating. Oh yeah! Saved by the phone!

“My phone’s just ringing, that’s all. Be right back.” He whispered back, internally smirking. Looks like he believed it, heh, sucker. You better believe I’m manlier than you. Minho stood up, bending over slightly so he wouldn’t block people’s view and walked out the theatre. Closing the theatre door behind him, he flipped open his phone.


“Hey buddy pal.”


“The one and only.” Minho grinned,

“What’s up, man?”

“Just calling to tell you I’ll be visiting soon, in two weeks or so. Give or take a little. I don’t have an actual date set.”

“Of course you don’t. Do me a favor and don’t bring one of your girlfriends.”

“I won’t, man. No worries” Minho turned when he felt a light tap on his shoulder, it was Taemin. Was the movie already over?

“I gotta go, talk to ya later Jonghyun.”

“See ya.” Minho closed his phone and looked at Taemin, Kibum turned to him.

“The movie’s over… you left towards the end. Taemin wants to go get the pizza now. Sound good?”



“I’m stuffed. I don’t think I can move, hyung.” Whined Taemin; crossing his arms in frustration.

“I don’t care, it was your idea to go ice-skating in the first place. You shouldn’t have eaten six pieces of pizza, we’re going ice-skating whether you like it or not.” Taemin groaned and slipped into his ice skates, giggling at Minho who was trying his best to stand up in his. He hopped up and walked over to the older boy, grasped his arm, and pulled him up. The two hobbled over to the rink and Taemin stepped down onto the ice with ease, holding out his hands for Minho to hold. Minho grimaced and grabbed them, stepping onto the ice as well. He took one shaky step before loosing his balance and toppling over.

Taemin giggled and pulled him up again, placing his arm around Minho’s shoulders to hopefully help him keep his balance. Minho stiffened,

“I’m fine.”

“No, your really not. Have you ever been ice-skating before?” Taemin replied, grinning. Minho didn’t answer and grabbed the other boy’s arm, reluctantly accepting the boys help. Taemin laughed and began to speed up a bit, Minho tightened his grip on the other’s arm and froze, stopping Taemin as well.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why don’t we slow down just a bit.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t understand your Korean, Minho.” Taemin replied, laughing. He took his arm from Minho’s shoulders and grasped his hand, pulling him even faster than before. Minho breathed in sharply, trying to drag the smiling younger boy to a halt.

“I can’t believe you.” Taemin giggled,

“Wanna try something new?”

“Uh, no way in hell.” Taemin stuck his tongue out and sped up their pace, smirking at Minho’s expression. Minho’s eyes were wide open in terror and he released Taemin’s hand, deciding that grabbing Taemin’s whole arm was the better option.

“Taemin!” Taemin suddenly stopped and turned to see who had called his name, causing Minho to go flying forward and fall flat on his face. He gasped and rushed over to Minho.

Oh my gosh! Minho hyung! I’m so sorry!” He frowned when he didn’t reply and timidly poked his back. “Hyung?” Taemin froze. Was he… was he… dead?

“Oh god no! I’ve killed him! WHY GOD, WHY MUST YOU BE SO CRUEL!?” He grabbed Minho’s “dead body” and tightly embraced it, ignoring the looks he was getting from the people around him. He was on the verge of tears when he suddenly froze, had Minho just moved? He looked down at the body in his arms,

“Min…ho?” Minho slowly brought his hand up to his face and smiled slightly, holding in laughter.

“I’m fine, Taemin.” Taemin sat there in shock for a moment before flinging Minho from him and shrieking in embarrassment. Minho doubled over, laughing uncontrollably at him. The younger of the two crossed his arms and pouted, getting up and leaving Minho to his laughter.


“Here, have some hot chocolate. That’s why I called you over here in the first place, Taeminnie.”

“That was so embarrassing!” he whined, taking a sip of hot chocolate and grimacing when the hot liquid burned his tongue.

“Yeah, that looked embarrassing. You were screaming at the top of your lungs about how you had killed him… and you were hugging him too.” Kibum said, wiggling his eyebrows at the last part.

“Your not helping…”

“I’m so sorr-”

“Shut up! He’s coming!” Taemin whispered angrily, causing Kibum to burst into peals of laughter and choke a little on his hot chocolate. Taemin blushed furiously and slapped him on the arm, “You perv! Stop twisting my words!”

“Hey guys, sorry for laughing Taemin… it was just-”

“Fucking hilarious!”

“Shut it Kibum!”

Taemin turned to Minho, his cheeks pink. “It’s… okay… I guess. I’m so weird sometimes…” He said quietly, biting his lip. Minho played with his jacket’s zipper uncomfortably, not answering Tamein.

“Why don’t we just grab our drinks and go? It’s getting a little late anyway.”

“Yeah, let’s go.” Taemin replied. He took another sip of his drink and began walking towards the exit, Minho and Kibum trailing behind. Minho frowned and looked down at his feet,

‘I feel like such an ass! It seems like every time I’m around him I screw something up… what is it about him that makes me so nervous?’ Minho looked up at the younger boy, studying him.

‘I wonder why he doesn’t have a girlfriend… it’s not like he’s ugly. He isn’t weird either, despite what he may think…. He’s actually kind of… attractive.”

“Stop checking out my innocent Taeminnie.” Minho opened his mouth to tell him that he was not checking out Taemin, but decided he didn’t want to get in a fight right now and kept his mouth shut.

Once they arrived at the car, Kibum motioned for the other two to stop.

“Hold on a second, I’ll get the car warmed up.” He then hopped in the car and stuck the keys in the ignition, frowning when the engine ran for a couple seconds before shutting off. He tried a couple more times, none more successful than the first. Kibum cursed and slammed his fist against the steering wheel, then stepped of the car. Minho raised an eyebrow,

“What’s wrong?” Kibum sighed,

“The car won’t start.”

A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long… and it isn’t very good either. I’ve been really busy w/school and stuff, so yeah. I thought I might explain Minho’s weirdness in the movie theater, b/c I thought that it might be a little confusing. You see, I see Minho as one of those kinds of guys that likes you to know they’re a guy. Kind of like the guys you see with mud purposely splattered on their truck just to seem cool/manly. Also, sorry if my “romance” is crappy b/c I’m just not the best romance writer in the world. If you guys haven’t read the other two chapters, they’re in my journal b/c I’m kinda new and haven’t figured out how to be all fancy and put the previous chapters with the description yet…

Wow… that was long. Anywho! Comment please! ☺

fanfic, shinee, rating: pg-13, 2min

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