Jinki the 'Serial Killer'

Nov 06, 2010 09:13

Title: Jinki the Serial Killer
Rating: PG/ Maybe PG- 13 (For cursing)
Pairings: Onkey, Jongkey
Genre: Horror (kinda), romance
Summary: A late Halloween story about what happens to Kibum when he watches horror movies. :D

Kibum walked to his bedroom scarred for life, never again would he allow himself to watch horror movies with the other band members all night. He hadn’t wanted to in the first place, but somehow Jonghyun had convinced him. It seemed like everything Jonghyun has ever asked him to do always turned out badly. Kibum hugged himself tightly, shivering in remembrance of the girl who was skinned alive and thrown into her closet in the very first movie they had watched. He shuffled into his bedroom, setting his fluffy bunny slippers on the carpet next to the door. Sighing, Kibum the flung himself in the bed, trying his best to get some beauty sleep.

Hours later, and Kibum still couldn’t get to sleep. Every gust of wind, footstep, and shadow terrified the poor man. Kibum was so terrified in fact, that he was currently curled up inside of a protective cocoon of blankets he had created to save himself from whatever was out to get him. It wasn’t helping that every time Jonghyun got up to pee he would peek into Kibum’s room and whisper,

“They’re coming to get you Kibum, nothing can save you now.” Which would then cause Kibum to squeal in horror and tighten his grip on the shield of sheets, mentally cursing Jonghyun for doing this to him. Kibum couldn’t take it anymore, the blankets were suffocating him and he was sweating so much that the first layer of blankets was damp. He mentally prepared himself for the serial killer that would crawl out from underneath his bed and attack him as soon as he emerged from the blankets. Taking a deep breath, he flung the blankets off of him and quickly got into fighting stance. He began looking around the room questioningly when he saw no one.

“He must be in the hall.” Muttered Kibum, he knew the killer was somewhere. He wouldn’t let himself be fooled by his clever trickery. He slowly got out of bed and approached the door, still in his fighting stance. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he flung open the door knowing that’s where the murderer would be. When Kibum saw nothing though, he let out a heavy sigh of relief. He then shuffled down the hallway, peeking inside of each room to make sure his fellow band members weren’t dead.

Taemin, sleeping soundly.

Minho, perfectly fine.

Jinki, snoring… he’s defiantly okay.

When he arrived at Jonghyun’s room though, he stopped. This was the man who had caused this in the first place. Why on earth did he care whether or not he was dead? He started to turn back when he felt something grab his wrist and pull him back. Kibum started to scream, but couldn’t when a hand covered his mouth.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Kibum squealed and began kicking wildly. “What the f- ouch! Lord almighty! Stop kicking, you idiot!” Kibum stopped when he recognized the owner of the voice, his eyes narrowing and soon he began kicking with even more strength. “Hey! That hurts god you little piece of shi- SHIT! That was my SHIN!” Kibum’s kidnapper finally released him, flinging him across the room and clutching his shin in pain.

“God damn, I was just having a little fun! You didn’t need to go injuring me like that… you told me you liked horror movies anyway, Kibum!” Shouted Jonghyun, his “attacker”, massaging his shin in an attempt to make the pain go away. Kibum blushed and mumbled something in response. Jonghyun looked up and grinned, “Did you tell me that just to seem impressive?” Kibum shook his head and lightly kicked him again.

Jonghyun gave him a knowing smirk and continued to massage his aching leg, Kibum frowned and quickly looked at his feet. When Kibum looked at the man again, he was no longer smirking. No, his face displayed a look of utter horror. Kibum raised a brow and chuckled, “What are you so afraid of?” Jonghyun began slowly crawling backwards and pointing to something behind Kibum, squeaking out a small it’s behind you. Kibum was now just a little bit afraid, Jonghyun wasn’t that good an actor…

“D- don’t joke around… There’s nothing behind me…” He said, his voice trembling. Jonghyun’s face remained the same. Kibum was started to get just a little freaked out now, so he would just have to prove the other wrong. There was defiantly nothing behind him, he had just spent the past hour making sure there wasn’t! He turned slowly; feeling cold sweat dripping down his neck and his back, he shivered. Once he had turned completely, the sight before him caused him to scream in terror. The scream reverberated off the walls, traveling throughout the whole building.

Before him stood a man clad in all black, the most gruesome mask Kibum had ever seen concealing his face. It looked somewhat like a possessed baby doll, mouth stitched together in an eerie smile, blood splattered across it. Neither of these were what cause Kibum to scream though, no, it was what the man was holding that was so terrifying. Under each arm were the dead bodies of his fellow band mates, Taemin under one arm, Minho under the other. Kibum screamed again, trying his best to run away from the monster that had killed his friends. He ran into his room and immediately locked the door, dragging various items in front of the door to hopefully keep out the intruder.

While he was in the midst of dragging his bed though, he froze. Eye’s widening in fear, he realized his terrible mistake. He had left Jonghyun in the hallway. Kibum began frantically screaming the other man’s name and pounding against the blocked door. There was no way he could make it out to save his friend in time. His blood ran cold when he heard his friend’s shout outside, had the masked man killed Jongyun? He collapsed and began to cry, it was all over. The killer had killed his friends and it was no secret that he would be the next one to go. Kibum sat there sobbing for hours, but no one came. He was trying his best to fall asleep, but the nonstop crying had made him exhausted. He curled himself up into a ball and fell into a deep sleep.


“Don’t you think that this was a little bit much?”

“No way, no one does that to my Kibum and get’s away with it!”

“Still… as funny as this is for me… it’s a little much.”

“You and Minho were in on it.”

“Well I won’t deny that.”

Kibum opened his eyes and flinched at the light streaming in, practically blinding him. He gasped and shot up suddenly, remembering last night’s events. There stood Jinki and Taemin… wait… Taemin? Kibum jumped up and flung his arms around the boy, rocking him back and forth while hugging him tightly.

“Taeminnie, how are you still alive?” He said loosening his grip on the other so that he could breath. Taemin raised an eyebrow, giving Kibum a confused look.

“What do you mean, how are you still alive? I’ve been alive.” Kibum shook his head furiously.

“No! No! No! You and Minho were killed! I saw your dead bodies! There was a guy with a mask and I left Jonghyun in the hall and he killed him and-”

“Baby, let’s take some deep breaths, okay?” Jinki said, smiling and rubbing the other boys back. Kibum’s muscles relaxed a little bit, yet he still gave Jinki a frustrated look.

“You don’t understand! Jonhyun, Taemin, and Minho were all dead!” Jinki shook his head,

“They’re all perfectly fine, honey.” He gave Kibum a small peck on the lips and turned to Taemin, “See what I mean? Jonghyun deserved it… look what he did to my poor baby Kibum!” Kibum screamed and pointed an accusing finger at Jinki and shrieked,

“It was you! You killed him! How could you do this Lee Jinki? You’re a murderer!” Jinki frantically shook his head,

“You’ve got it all wrong! He’s perfectly fine! I didn’t do any-”

“It has to be you! I saw everybody else… you had to have been the man in the mask! Why else would you say, he deserved it! You went crazy and killed everyone!” Kibum screamed and flung the covers over himself, shrieking hysterically. “How could my baby- no, no no! How could he kill everyone like this?”

Jinki stood there, dumbfounded. Turning angrily when Jonghyun burst into the room, furious.
“Lee Jinki! How dare you lock me in the closet like that? You are so going to die!” Jinki turned and replied, just as furious,

“Look what you did to my Kibum! You know he doesn’t like horror movies, it gave him nightmares!” Kibum stopped his yelling and went limp under the covers. Wait. A nightmare? He sat up and looked at everyone, emotionless,

“What? Horror movies? Nightmares?” Jinki turned and gave him a concerned look,

“This idiot” He said, gesturing towards Jonghyun. “Forced you to watch horror movies with him last night. You’ve been having nightmares, just like the time we watched one together.” Kibum’s mouth opened in realization, soon to be replaced with fury. He turned to Jonghyun, rigid.

“Kim Jonghyun. Prepare to die.” He spat, watching Jonghyun flee from the room. He turned back to Jinki and smiled, “Sorry for calling you a killer sweetheart, now where’s my breakfast? I want to eat before I kill that bastard.” Jiki grinned and handed Kibum a tray of food, then kissing him on the cheek.

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

"I'm going to go kill Jonghyun now."

"You do that."

A/N: And an ending FAIL. Ah well, whatever… I hope you guys liked it lots :D
Btw, is there anybody out there who wants to explain ‘fake lj cuts’ to me? Pitiful me can’t figure it out… if someone could help I’d really appreciate it. ☺ Thanks again for reading.

fanfic, onkey, shinee, rating: pg

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