If everything seems to be going well, you obviously don't know what the hell is going on.

Mar 06, 2006 17:27

For a day like any other day, of the tedious and boring, it has been quite interesting. I have spent most of my day jumping through the live journal communities. I have gone from DS sites to SGA sites to Numb3rs sites and I have seen a variation of the same topic time and time again.

What has happened to fanfiction Novels?

Let me elaborate. Now a-days with Live Journal being the posting place of choice, it seems that flash fiction has taken hold. And its enticing. A short piece, from 500-5000 wrds with almost instant feedback. And everyone knows that to a writer, feedback is better than heroin.

Back in the day when I started reading fanfiction, it was rare to find a story under 50k ~17000 wrds. Now that is considered a monster. MONSTER? These wet behind the ear writers don't know what a monster is. Xanthe 24/7 is an monster; its more than a monster, its an epic. Weeks to read and so satisfying, at the end you are a shallow husk of the person that once was.

I not bashing flash fiction in that it gives new writers a forum to stretch their artistic skills in the kiddie pool as opposed to the open ocean. However, when tried and true authors are lured away by the quick and dirty high, I think that means a loss for the whole community. If there is nothing to emulate,  how do these young bucks budding authors what to strive for?

In the new era of mobile technology, it is now possible to take the slash with you. A palm pilot or Ipaq and you are set in a way that has never before been possible. The ride to work has never been so enjoyable.

And now the point:

You don't see people on the bus or the train reading a book of short stories. Oh no. You see business people and letter carriers and the kid on his way to the fast food joint to work his part time shift, reading novels. Bricks. John Grisham, Tolkien, Orson Scott Card, Tom Clancy. We are talking 800 pages! And when us slasher, or just lovers of the fanfiction go to down load a couple of stories for the trip....we are stuck with a poem size teases that in the end, just end up leaving you frustrated, instead of hot and bothered, and for the fast readers, happy and satisfied and ready to face the grind stone.

However that is just my opinion,  I could be wrong.

Slash Rec's - Anything by Xanthe!

Title: 24/7
Author: Xanthe
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Mulder/Skinner
Rating:NC 17
Warnings: Multiple chapters, bdsm
Summary: Mulders need for ever more extreme thrills make him seek out the ultimate game player in DC - a mysterious top who is legendary on the BDSM scene, but Mulder must pay a high price to get what he wants.

Title: General and Dr. Sheppard
Author: Xanthe
Fandom: StarGate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: NC17 for m/m sex and graphic, kinky BDSM sex, BDSM lifestyle themes and spanking.
Summary: An accident with Ancient technology sucks a John and Rodney from an alternate universe onto Atlantis - and they have very different ideas about sex, marriage and relationships.

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