(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 00:58

I think today just might go down in the annuals of history.

nakedwesley and I went to NYC to see Alan Tudyk in Prelude to a Kiss and nothing bad happened.

Usually with us, something bad always happens when we go on a trip. And you have no idea how many times I was biting my tongue from saying something that would jinx it.

nakedwesley showed up yesterday (Saturday) evening and we ended up going out for dinner and to see Music and Lyrics - the new Hugh Grant/Drew Barrymore movie. It was really cute and actually quite good and Hugh Grant actually did all his own singing for it and he's quite good. Might actually have to buy the soundtrack. And there was a trailer for a movie called Knocked Up - which is another romantic comedy, that Alan's got a part in.

In any case, we actually got out of the house early/on time - which for us is a feat in and of itself. We did our normal thing of driving up to Trenton to get a NJ Transit train to go into NYC. (Though, I will admit that I did my normal thing of "*flails* Where am I supposed to get off 295 and onto the NJ Turnpike? Why does it just say for me to get back onto 295 from the Turnpike when it never had me get off 295 in the first place?" /*flails* Which is really stupid anyway, since I don't think getting off 295 and onto the Turnpike and then back onto 295 really saves anything and it's much easier to just stay on 295.) In any case, we got up to Trenton with no trouble and had enough time to park and make it through the construction they're doing on the train station with no trouble. And here's something I don't get - why is the parking garage $3 cheaper than the outdoor parking lot?

The train ride was uneventful - or so I believe, seeing as how I fell asleep probably 5 minutes after we pulled out - what I get for only getting 3.5 hours of sleep the night before. We wandered around the lower level of NYC's Penn Station, trying to figure out where we were going to catch the subway and what we wanted to do for lunch and where the bathroom was, before giving up and just going to get sandwiches, during which we saw a security guard setting up a test for the K-9 unit, and then did a bit more wandering around for the other two items, the finding of which ended up being quite easy.

The theatre was very easy to find and I was surprised to find that it was right down from where I had seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I picked up the tickets from the box office and we decided to just hang out in the lobby, even though we had just under an hour before the show started, because there wasn't really anything else we wanted to do, or could do, in that time. We had a relieved laugh that Alan's name was still on the cast board for that day. (Our luck - with how well everything had been going so far that day, his understudy would've been performing that day.)

The show itself was really good, though I'll admit that I don't honestly know if I'd see it without Alan in it (or another actor that I really like in the role of Peter). John Mahoney (the dad on "Frasier" was also in it). And, I'll admit that I was surprised at how big his role was, since the blurb is "Peter and Rita's storybook wedding is visited by an unexpected old man, whose "blessing" kiss of the bride prompts a magical journey." Since the bride and the old man switch bodies, I figured that Alan's role wouldn't be that large. Well, he was on stage for most of the show. And I had to laugh - there's this one point where Peter decides to kiss the old man (who's really Rita), and a lot of people in the audience where giggling and I couldn't help but think "this isn't kindergarten, people". But nakedwesley did have a point of that it wasn't really the fact that two guys were kissing, it was more that one of them was "Frasier's dad". And Alan had to take his shirt off once or twice and both nakedwesley and I were like, "ooh," (as were, I'm sure, many of the women in the audience).

We hung out after the show, to see if we could catch Alan, and we did, since everyone seemed to be coming out through the lobby. (We're not sure if that's a standard procedure at that theatre or if it's just because it was still a preview show.) We did catch him and it was cute because Kath started talking to him and he shook her hand and then he turned to me and shook my and and said, "Hi, I'm Alan," to which I kinda stuttered in replying "Hi, I'm Adrian" (because I was trying really hard not to say, "Yes, I know." But the three of us talked for a minute or two and we thanked him for showing up to the cancelled Flan-vention thing, just as a way to let him know that the fans in general did really appreciate what they all did for that. And he kept touching me on the shoulder. And then he started to leave and was like, "Oh!" and came back and said, "I wanted to tell you about a film I just finished doing - it's called Death at a Funeral and it's really funny and I think they're looking to release it in June and you should really go see it."

After the show, we went to an Italian restaurant that I really like called Da Rosina. Though, we did have the slight mishap of walking one block the wrong way at one point - and it was one of the long blocks.

The train ride back, aside from being rather packed in the beginning and really bumpy, was also uneventful, as was the drive back from Trenton.

movies - comedy, theatre - nyc

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