Title: Crossing the Rift: Affairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh - Chapter 8
sinisterx18 Rating: PG-13
Crack!Pairings: Capt. Jack H./Daniel Jackson, Col. Jack O./Ianto Jones, Teal'c/OC, Owen Harper/Anise
Final Pairings: Capt. Jack H./Ianto Jones, Col. Jack O./Samantha Carter
Warnings: Spoilers for TW season 1 and SG-1 through season 4. Also massive amounts of crack.
Summary: Simultaneous accidents bring Torchwood and SG-1 together, but their attempts to fix the problem brings them together in ways they never expected.
AN: This is my favorite chapter. The first section actually deals with the plot. The second section is pure crackfic. They go together beautifully. If you missed Chapter 1, you can read it
Once Daniel had made it to the Plass, he realized it was dark