The Monthly Update: September 2014 Edition

Sep 14, 2014 13:00

Monthly update time!

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imwithrebel September 16 2014, 06:03:13 UTC
I miss fandom too. There is just something about geeking out with others over a show/movie. My problem is that I just don't like anything I'm watching right now enough to care to get involved in its fandom. Plus so many shows are moving to the twisted ongoing plot lines a la Lost which, while it's interesting to watch, doesn't really lend itself well to things like fanfiction (which is probably my favorite part of fandom). That's one of the things I adore(d?) about Aladdin and SGA - in both of those universes you could easily send the characters on just about any adventure and as long as you don't beat them up too badly and return them to status quo at the end, it's just an untold story we didn't get to see on tv. I can't think of a single show that I like right now that gives you that kind of freedom.

What is Big Brother like? I know it's about random people living in a house, but I've never understood the concept. I've considered watching it many times, but have never taken the time to actually do so.

I know you'll love your Kindle Fire! My husband and I each got one for Christmas about 4 years ago. They both still run perfectly and only have like 1 minor scratch each. The only reason we've upgraded is so we'd have more storage space. My babies use (or rather abuse) them now and they still work great, as opposed to my iPad that I got last Christmas that bit the dust this summer (with a screen full of scratches despite always having a case) after only 6 months of tlc use solely by me.

I have so many books and magazines on my tablet (now a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4). I'd love to read them if I'd actually use the tablet for reading rather than browsing the internet and playing Sudoku. :\


salukfan September 17 2014, 17:46:17 UTC
Big Brother is essentially about the power dynamics that come from putting 16 people in a house with no media and no contact from the outside world. There are competitions, physical and mental, that control who becomes the head of household, or the person in power for the week. That HOH nominates people for eviction from the house. There's a competition that serves as a means of changing those nominations as well, but at the end of the week the other houseguests vote and evict someone from the house. Last person standing wins. A lot of it is about the dynamics in the house and who will align with and betray who, what happens when a person is in charge, what are the relationships in the house, etc. Plus you get the live feeds so you can watch what's going on in the house 24/7.

This season's just been boring because the same group/person has been in power the entire season and the winner has been obvious since the second week. So it's kinda like we're just plodding along waiting for the inevitable. But I do enjoy the interpersonal relationships in the house in general and seeing how people react to power and to very different people. It appeals to the communication major in me.

I do love the Kindle Fire, but yeah, I spend most of my time playing games on it and stuff. Whoops! I swear I'll read eventually. Totally. Ha.


imwithrebel September 18 2014, 20:26:17 UTC
That sounds awesome! It sounds a lot like Survivor just in a different setting.

I know what you mean. There was a season like that on Survivor. Someone took charge right away and never lost their control over the tribe and their alliances. They won (which they obviously deserved for dominating the game), but it did make the season pretty uneventful.


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