without fear

Oct 19, 2005 00:46

Pour me a glass of wine
Talk deep into the night
Who knows what we'll find
Intuition, de ja vu
The Holy Ghost calling you
Whatever you got, I don't mind
Put your elbows on the table
I'll listen long as I am able
There's nowhere I'd rather be
Secret fears are supernatural
Thank God for this new laughter
Thank God the joke's on me
'Cause I was born to laugh
I learned to laugh
Through my tears
Adn I was born to love
I'm gonna learn to love without fear

I miss my friends. Nashville friends, college friends I haven't seen in like a million years, high school friends who probably wouldn't recognize me now. I have no idea what the hell I was going to post, but I pulled up WMP and started playing Drunkard's Prayer, and it got me all damn melancholy. Stupid Karin Bergquist. Damn her. And her husband who I think wrote this one. I really want to see them in concert again. A real concert, not an abbreviated show in a cramped, smoky bar for an hour-long radio program. But it was so good despite that.

Okay, I'm turning off the music so I can tell about my somewhat interesting day.

ah. there we go.
so i had to substitute teach today. it's been on my calendar for over a month. Emma Marshall, Latin II, 11:00. I showed up at 11:00, walked into the classroom, and knew I had the wrong group of kids. Karen from the office was in there, and, to use one of my mother's favorite quips, that woman doesn't know her ass from third bass. Seriously. She's totally out to lunch. it's a little scary. And i have ADD like you wouldn't believe and usually have some sympathy toward the absent-minded. But this is like... she's like the prozac queen or something. So she informs me that the class I was supposed to sub for meets at 9:30. and i was like, karen, i've had 11:00 on my calendar for a month. what's going on? and she was like, well, this is the history class, and their teacher isn't here either, so why don't you just stay and sub, and you'll get paid the same. and i was thinking, what the hell is going on that no teachers are here and they just don't have any subs?? and why didn't anybody fucking call me? Stupid. Dumbass. Idiots. So I was like, yeah, I might as well stay. So karen left, and i promptly informed the class that I failed US history in college, and made a D in western civ, so I wasn't going to be much help. And they informed me that NONE of their teachers had been there today, so they wouldn't be much help either, seeing as how they had goofed off all morning, and there was no way in hell i'd be able to get them to sit still and be quiet to lecture on the subject about which i knew very little anyway. (and no, they did not say it in those terms; they just said that they didn't have any teachers today, and i deduced the rest on my own.) Oh, and here's another funny part. Karen said, they had a quiz, and handed me a stack of papers. So i start passing them around, giving my usual pre-test spiel ("if i even think you're cheating, I'll break off your fingers." they like that. and don't cheat, usually). and somebody says, hey this isn't a test... wait, this is logic, not history. and so it was. the "history test" karen had given me (for the history class for which i was subbing instead of the logic class that SHE told me met at that time) was a worksheet for their logic class, and god knows when that class meets. so i told this one boy to go downstairs and get the history quiz. he went downstairs, and karen apparently said there's not a quiz or she didn't have it or some such shit, and just do the logic paper. so they sort of worked on that, and we just sat and talked for an hour and a half. it turned out to be enjoyable, since they're pretty good kids and we were able to sit and talk without being obnoxious and disturbing other classes. makes me remember why i went into teaching as well as why i promptly left the profession for more artsy-fartsy endeavors.

i've had my windows open for about 5 days. my house smells like salt. it's absolute heaven... as long as it leaves my sinuses alone. i will have to partake of a little homemade cough medicine tonight, because it started to get to me last night. my neck hurts a little, so i know i need to work on the congestion that's trying to form. probably need to do my netti pot on a regular basis. i know i'm inhaling microscopic salt, but actually pushing it through my nose is what prevents infections and crap. as does the homemade cough syrup. a little shot of bourbon, and some salt water (although not mixed with the bourbon) cures everything. bad thing about my windows being open? gnat smears on my computer screen. and i can't find the special cleaning cloths. not supposed to use windex, but might have to. because... ew.

i get to meet Erin Dailey next Monday! She moved to Charleston about a week before I moved back to Savannah. I have a business meeting for stupid Party Lites in Charleston on Monday, and she said something about cocktails whenever she happens to be in Savannah again... so we're meeting up for... something, not sure what, either before or after my meeting! so that's like the highlight of next week for me. the Pit of Hell for me next week is subbing for a first grade class. i don't like first grade. you can't tell them to sit the hell down and shut up for christsake. it makes them cry. now, don't get me wrong, i fully intend to have my own one day; but only ONE at the time, who will quickly grow up to be big enough for me to say sit the hell down and shutup for christsake and it's okay.

the moon was full last night and i went and sat on the beach for a little while. i didn't go as late, and stayed by the ramp (that goes over the dunes and into the well-lit street) rather than walking, and just kind of meditated. it was awesome. venus is visible, low in the Soutwestern sky, as a gigantic star. so it was cool to have that opposite the ginormous moon.

i need to post about church stuff. youth group is a hot topic lately. the guy who has become the youth director is just too ooky for words. he has mirrors. on the ceiling of his car. the hell? why would ANYBODY who's not a total perv have mirrors on the ceiling of his fucking car? and nobody has said, "dude, take those down, it's weird, and we let our kids go in a room with you every wednesday night." i mean, that's the least somebody should do. anyway... more about that later. i'm off to bed.
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