salt_on_my_skin Oct 17, 2013 22:33
fall, interesting, thought of the day, любовь, dreaming my dreams, iphone, photography, life, time, thoughts, feelings, задумчивое, contemplating, love, мысли дня, thoughts of the day
salt_on_my_skin Oct 04, 2013 21:40
time, fall, mood, thoughts, thought of the day, любовь, home, contemplating, задумчивое, inspiration, мысли дня, useful
salt_on_my_skin Oct 31, 2011 11:06
time, fall, life, настроение, mood, feelings, задумчивое, in german, стихи, moody, рифмованное, rain
salt_on_my_skin Aug 15, 2010 15:43
fall, life, photography