salt_on_my_skin Jun 15, 2014 10:15
dreaming my dreams, cute, photography, singing, life, time, thoughts, music in my heart, children, weareone, inspiration, contemplating, love, video, in english, music, beautiful, music in my head
salt_on_my_skin Feb 20, 2014 22:30
life, interesting, about me, inspiration, dreaming my dreams, love, funny, cute, in english, fun
salt_on_my_skin Oct 12, 2013 09:34
cute, funny, любовь, home, love
salt_on_my_skin Jun 03, 2013 08:49
настроение, mood, interesting, inspiration, person, cute, funny, beautiful, repost, photography, useful, fun
salt_on_my_skin Mar 04, 2013 12:45
life, настроение, mood, любовь, music in my heart, love, cute, music, beautiful, music in my head, singing
salt_on_my_skin Nov 27, 2012 19:31
giveaway, cute, life, children, beautiful, perepost
salt_on_my_skin Sep 07, 2012 01:05
time, life, mood, thoughts, thought of the day, любовь, contemplating, задумчивое, inspiration, love, мысли дня, cute, beautiful
salt_on_my_skin Sep 03, 2012 12:11
You can watch this video on
life, полезное, food, настроение, interesting, inspiration, in english, video, cute, useful, fun
salt_on_my_skin Jun 10, 2012 23:28
life, mood, любовь, feelings, inspiration, love, funny, cute, in english, fun
salt_on_my_skin Jan 09, 2012 16:52
life, mood, inspiration, love, funny, cute, beautiful, holidays