Insects make for better songs than friends

Feb 27, 2007 18:06

Ok, for anyone whose interested, heres some quick info. The company through which I'm doing this volunteer excursion thing is called Projects Abroad. They help send people (yes 'people' as in persons of any age. Sure most of the volunteers are 18-25, but theres also a lady in her early 60's) to volunteer all over the world. They offer different project types, (teaching, environmental care, hospital work, ect.) and different timetables for travel. Their website is
No I'm not getting paid to promote like this, i only mention it cuz so many people have already asked me how i found this and expressing interest in doing something similar. So if you happen to be one of those people... there you go. Check it out. I HIGHLY recommend it.
Alright, so now that we've moved past that bit....

I think there has been an increase in the cockroach population down here. Lately, they've been appearing with increasing frequency, usually in the most unwanted places.
For example, my arm.
Yes on my arm. I had a cockroach on my arm. No i don't know how it got there. I was just typing away on my laptop, when i looked down and there it was, just chilling and twiddling its antennas (antennie?) a couple inches below my elbow.
No i didn't scream, I exhaled loudly. And flung it off and jumped backwards a bit. Didn't see where it landed, and couldn't find it when i went searching (with shoe in hand). I can tell you it wasn't the easiest getting sleep that night.
Then a few nights ago, i was headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, when who should i meet? Mr. Cucaracha his ugly self. And where was he bidding his time? Crawling around ON TOP OF THE TOOTHBRUSHES!!! After i got Tonio to squash it (no, not while it was still on the toothbrushes), i threw my toothbrush away and resolved to keep my next one in a cockroach-proof container of somesort.
Should i insert a picture of a cockroach here?
Nah... i'll leave that one to your imagination, that way i can exaggerate the size when i get back.

Other hazards of living in Mexico? Noise pollution. Every night the people in the house behind ours turn on their car and start revving the engine. Its loud and annoying and it sounds like a dying animal. Nonetheless they keep it up, revving the thing for ½ an hour, EVERY NIGHT. I don't have to know anything about cars to know that this is just plain stupid. Anytime you annoy your neighbors to the point of violence for no apparent reason on a regular basis, you're being just plain stupid. Don't let me catch you doing this at home kids.

Speaking of noise and other vibrators of eardrums...
Theres always music in this city. But not the type i was expecting. Not mariachi style bands standing on corners asking for change (at least not too often). I received a bit of a surprise the first time i walked into a restaurant that was loudly blasting old Madonna hits for all to hear. Maybe it was naive of me to be so surprised.... After all, considering the amount of influence American culture has on other aspects of life down here, why shouldn't music be the same? I don't know what i was thinking....
...maybe about the 90% of the city that cant speak a word of English.
Apparently the fact that they don't know what the words mean isn't really a deterrent.
Not that they don't want to know, in fact when i started my classes, the first thing they requested that i teach them was the lyrics to they're favorite English songs. The other day one of my classes asked me to explain the meaning of “Yellow Submarine”. I told them i could translate the words but the meaning was lost on me. When they requested “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” i had to tell them they could track me down after class if they really wanted to know, but i wasn't going to explain that song in a school led by nuns.

Getting a new roommate soon. That outa be interesting, especially considering my room is barely big enough for me and Viki as is.
Hmmm... i don't think any of you guys are familiar with Viki.
Well this is her.

I'm not entirely sure why i look so retarded in this picture, it was taken quite a while ago one night when a bunch of us went out to one of our favorite places 'Bananas' where all the drinks are named after famous bands. Max ordered a Led Zepplin, Holly sipped The Cure while i asked for the Rolling Stones. But it ended up being far too sweet and i couldn't get no satisfaction. There was too much sugar and show, with no real substance (which shouldn't be such a surprise considering the band its named for i guess) so after a couple sips i passed it along to Ninka. Ended up being a fairly good night anyway.

In other news, I think i probably write too much. My posts are getting excessively long.

Oh well.
Adios until i crave starbucks again.
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