Mar 06, 2007 00:37
Dude, I forget how much having a crush can suck. It's like being bi-polar or something, because when you see him and talk to him you're unreasonably giddy and happy, but when you miss out on running into him (like seeing him just leave Cowan when you're heading there, etc.) it's like.. poopy feeling. I know it shouldn't even be such a big deal, like he's great and all but not like, THE ONE great (yoishh), but for some reason just recognizing the fact that I think he's super neat just makes it that much more important to see him and talk to him.
He is super neat. Problem is I've never been into someone so reserved and not outgoing, and I'm used to being pursued.. Not like, I'm so irresistable, it's just that I'm usually attracted to more outgoing guys. Not to say that he isn't extremely friendly and personable, but he's not the type to really put himself out there, it seems. Which I guess is why I get psyched when he says hi to me. Wow I'm a nerd.