May 01, 2006 01:22
"nonetheless, it sometimes happens that certain theroiticians and practical people come to stand out from the sum of these acts of will and send millions to their deaths and billions into slavery. consequently, there are acts of will, and then there are acts of will, and despite our desire to do so it is difficult for us to adhere to the image of the swarm, however impressive it may be, and to deny the role of the individual in history"....
perhaps the best advice that can be given to someone with ambition and good intentions is " go tend to your own garden".
on another note.
we see now somberly how little it is we truly need.
we do not eschew obfuscation, knowing full well that what we ourselves say and do not fully understand, may one day blow the tops of our skulls off and sufficiently air out our brains as to allow for enlightenment.
and more dischordantly...
we remind ourselves, in the third person, of own insignificance, and hope only to one day use the freedom it allows in the service of some good.