Well, I'm off work and I just got up. Feeling a tad sluggish. I probably could've gone to bed earlier but I rarely fall asleep before 3 these days anyway and I was kept up by some drama that I think was pretty unnecessary (but then again, that's the definition of drama, isn't it?). Anyway, today's a pretty open day although apparently I have to take the evening to get my Food Handler's Permit downtown. I still feel exhausted, but I hope a shower and a cup of tea will wake me up.
I want to do something productive today, like work on one of two stories that I promised people I would (Tona trauma or Arcadio/Coop porn), or read Wheel of Darkness, or finish answering my characterization questions or finish cleaning my room, but I feel lethargy descending upon me like a big snuggly blanket and I'll probably sit around watching TV until I have to go down to the health department or the licensing place or wherever I'm going. Not that I don't fully intend to finish all those things! It'll just probably be a bit.
In disordered news, I downloaded My Chemical Romance's cover of "All I Want For Christmas is You," and... uh, the only thing I can really say is "Oh my God, what the fuck?" What the hell ever convinced them that that might be a good idea? I'll have to make a holiday hilarity playlist and put it on there. Fall Out Boy's "What's This?" could be on it too!
And because
rhombal tagged me, here's a meme.
1) List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
2) Tag seven people to do the same.
3) Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you want to tag whoever wants to do it.
1. I am a tremendously picky eater. I'm not quite so bad as I used to be, because when I was younger I wouldn't eat my favorite sorts of food if they even had the wrong kind of sauce on them, or I wouldn't eat my own cooked scrambled eggs if they had pepper on them. Now, I'm willing to try new things but I'll almost never add anything new to my food repertoire.
2. I have extremely, extremely weak knees. It's very easy to get my knees to lock for a good half-hour and not be able to move them more than about two inches without formidable pain and having to slap at my kneecaps for the proper alignment. However, my hips are very, very supple. I can literally pull both feet over my head at the same time and it's not uncomfortable-- in fact, I've fallen asleep in the yoga star position, with my cheek on the bottoms of my feet.
3. A lot of the people who have friended me on LJ have done so because I'm so enthusiastically villainous in my RPs and in my fiction, and I'll never shy away from a good creepy or sadistic scene or character. And, on paper, I adore blood, guts, and gore. However, I am a real-life pacifist and I have some difficulty with visual gore. Blood itself is no problem-- I think spilled or drawn blood is gorgeous-- but wounds, for whatever reason, really bother me. Providing they're not on me. If they're on me, I like poking them and I think they're cool. Movie gore creeps me out, though. I can't watch it without flinching.
4. When I was littler, I lived in Germany, and then later in Britain (and then again in Britain). While it's mostly been bursts of four months in one country, six months in another, three years back home in between, add it all up and I've spent over a year in Europe without any official resident status.
5. For about ten years I had compulsive trichotillomania, i.e., pulling out my hair. Shaving my head last January hasn't completely destroyed the habit but has very very drastically reduced it.
6. I've got the beginnings of a full-fledged tattoo addiction (and the recent discovery of a fantastically-staffed tattoo parlor blocks away from my university campus won't help), but I'm holding off getting more until I get more concrete ideas for how I want my body to look.
7. I "tap" letters with my hands: If I hear a word and I'm particularly bored, I'll spell it off in my head and tap my fingers against a surface to count off the letters. I do this with sentences and paragraphs, too. I use my thumbs very rarely and I have to end up even-numbered. This means that spaces and punctuation marks might sometimes play significant roles. I used to think I was crazy until I learned a bunch of other people do similar things, and it's very useful for counting off letters for a new LJ screenname at a moment's notice.
Not really sure who to tag. Hmmm... Well, I guess if they want to do it,
dreamsofstars, and
eremon_lass, but only if they want to.