
Sep 09, 2007 00:21

There is literally not a single entry on my friendslist at the moment that doesn't have this meme in it. AND PEOPLE ARE RESPONDING TO IT, which is the astonishing part. So why be unique?

Name a character that you know I write or have written (or RP or have RPed), and I’ll tell you ( Read more... )

what's my meme tag?

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Comments 10

peridium September 9 2007, 07:38:21 UTC
Meph. Acheron. Xenophon.

Uriel. Bea. Magrat. Arcadio.

:D ♥


salophile September 9 2007, 08:01:57 UTC

a. Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 2005, I believe. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. At the end, Mephistophilis watched Faustus be swallowed up by hell, walked to the center of the stage, gave the audience a very slight, quiet smile, and walked off. It was then that I said "I must have this character."
b. Tireless work. In fact, in many ways this is his worst trait too-- often it's also kind of his only trait.
c. Oh God. The emo. Easily.
d. Almost always very easy. I'm not sure why but he's a pretty internal character for me-- and his speech patterns are fun!
e. Ummmm. I think the beginning of this thread. It tapers off at the end but as it progresses it kind of shows in microcosm his entire personality ( ... )


salophile September 9 2007, 08:29:08 UTC
a. Hmmm. Difficult to say, but for whatever reason I was contemplating another demon and I started thinking about a generally positive one who just liked to see negative things happen-- you know, calm. Not spitting sparks and sulfur everywhere, and I started thinking about what a demon like that would do, and there he be'd.
b. Patience. He's very patient, and he's also very, very good at figuring things out based on little details.
c. The fact that he's solely interested in the devastation, death, and damnation of a person or personality does put a damper on the guy's popularity, one would think.
d. When he's just talking, easy. I'm lucky I haven't found him trying to damn someone to hell yet, because that'd not only be incredibly difficult but also scary.
e. Probably from the incest fic I wrote for Dili:

His head wrenched back with the crunch of bones pulled the wrong way, Uriel's fingers wound in the roots of his hair. "You give them a reason to hate you," the demon breathed. "How could your father's brilliance so utterly ( ... )


salophile September 9 2007, 08:30:46 UTC
a. I don't-- XD She was my first Gen2spawn ever, let alone my first Hadesspawn, and I think I just thought it'd be cool to see what a Hadesspawn would be ike.
b. She's incredibly sophisticated, that's for sure. And she's quite intelligent, as one would have to be to stay that far ahead of the ChronoGuard.
c. She's an ice queen, really. She's just such a bitch that she's hard to get anything out of, whether it's out of her or out of someone she's interacting with.
d. Pretty difficult. I can write her well in passing but it's hard to get into her head.
e. I think this fic for Maja is the best I've ever managed:
"You know what I love about you?" Margarathea said, dipping her nails into a crystal bowl full of cold water ( ... )


dreamsofstars September 9 2007, 07:40:40 UTC
Prax and Meph.


soloecal September 9 2007, 12:18:28 UTC
JordaN, Dave, Rhad, and Perpetua.



salophile September 18 2007, 22:45:48 UTC
a) He was one of the characters everyone seemed to want around, and he was a character type I thought I could do pretty well, so I picked him up.
b) Obviously he's a total sweetheart who always does what he thinks is best.
c) Also obviously, what he thinks is best is not always the best thing, but there is no convincing him otherwise.
d) A mix here. For a long time, I couldn't write him at all, because honestly, he's a harder character type than I thought. Once I figured out why he converted, he got a lot easier but he's still not someone I can write on no sleep or whatever.
e) I still don't think I have perfectly, but this story is where he started to form, and that interaction with him and Vincenzo was pretty good too ( ... )


salophile September 18 2007, 22:50:09 UTC
a) I think the popularity of his character (among the typists) and wondering if I could actually write snark.
b) As I see it, obviously he's willing to fight for what he believes is important.
c) He's an asshole?
d) Difficult. I really don't know what emotions to call on when I'm trying to write him.
e) I don't think I have, honestly.
f) None at the moment, but I don't know when the next fic exchange is and I haven't gotten my assignments for it.

a) Uh, blood. Duh.
b) It's not a personality trait but I like the idea that I can intimately explore my own fascination with this particular bodily tissue with her and not have it be freaky or weird.
c) She's not a very nice person, is she? XD
d) When we're going on a purely blood-basis, very easy, but try to get me to write her without violence of some sort and I think I'd be flailing.
e) Well, you liked my Aspasia/Omnia, so I guess I'm doing okay...
f) I don't know, I might. I do want to try writing you Omnia/Electra sometime.


nepheliad September 9 2007, 17:37:31 UTC



salophile September 18 2007, 22:57:36 UTC
a. Mostly, I was wondering what it'd be like to write/play a prostitute who was not, you know, an angstwhore jonesing for her next hit or in mad passionate love with her pimp. XD And then it occured to me that the best way to escape that was to move him or her to a setting where prostitution was not a last resort or a job done to support some sort of out-of-control need, so of course I thought of Companions. And then it occured to me that that would be a really amusing concept for a Simon/Kayleespawn, a kid going through Companion training.
b. She's level-headed and nurturing.
c. Probably she's a bit too distant on principle, maintaining a professional distance from most of the people in her personal life.
d. Fairly easy. She started out sort of difficult but I think I'm growing into her.
e. There's a story I wrote for blindmadness, written mostly from the perspective of her character, John, on what would happen if they were a couple:
And it progressed. Skye Tam called it a "working relationship," and would sometimes refer to him as a " ( ... )


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