
Sep 09, 2007 00:21

There is literally not a single entry on my friendslist at the moment that doesn't have this meme in it. AND PEOPLE ARE RESPONDING TO IT, which is the astonishing part. So why be unique?

Name a character that you know I write or have written (or RP or have RPed), and I’ll tell you ( Read more... )

what's my meme tag?

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salophile September 9 2007, 08:01:57 UTC

a. Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 2005, I believe. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. At the end, Mephistophilis watched Faustus be swallowed up by hell, walked to the center of the stage, gave the audience a very slight, quiet smile, and walked off. It was then that I said "I must have this character."
b. Tireless work. In fact, in many ways this is his worst trait too-- often it's also kind of his only trait.
c. Oh God. The emo. Easily.
d. Almost always very easy. I'm not sure why but he's a pretty internal character for me-- and his speech patterns are fun!
e. Ummmm. I think the beginning of this thread. It tapers off at the end but as it progresses it kind of shows in microcosm his entire personality.
f. Um. I don't really have any plans outside of if someone cares to challenge me to something or requests him.

a. I had just discovered DF and it occured to me how cool it would be to pick up a character from the TN books, because whee fictionjumping-- they'd fit right in. But I didn't want to get Thursday because she seemed too tough and Acheron was more dynamic in personality anyway so, there we go!
b. He's incredibly well-adjusted. I know that's a really weird thing to say about the world's third most wanted criminal, but honestly, he is. He lives his life in what he deems a very normal way based on the decisions he's made for it. The only scary part about this is he's satisfied with it.
c. Excessive pride and a tendency to get carried away with vanity.
d. Scarily easy. He's one of my easiest characters ever to write if not my easiest.
e. This is going to sound really, really vain, but I don't think I've ever gone too far off. I think Fforde would be pretty happy with my portrayal of him, if he liked fanfic/RP at all.
f. He'll be around. Mostly lurking as a side character in Gen2, but he'll never completely go away.

a. I read the Poppy Z. Brite story (because, duh, Brite) and I got to the end of it and realized how much she'd done in such a little place for him. I don't normally like heroes but how can you not care about a guy who's willing to not only give up the thing he loves the most in life but literally slit his own throat to protect a group of people he's never even met (his fans)? And then to carry on afterward losing the thing he's loved most his whole life but being happy without it-- I really liked that.
b. Compassion, obviously, as well as optimism.
c. An inability to say no. If he had said no to booking a concert he would not have had to cut his throat open, and he knows it.
d. Fairly easy. There's enough left up to the imagination to him in the story that I can just take the basics and substitute using sese.
e. Am I allowed to say the cat macro thread? Because that was a thing of beauty.
f. None at the moment. Like Acheron he's currently mostly an auxiliary character.


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