What happens when books are written by fangirls.

Nov 15, 2006 20:40

Marika: My suitemate is on her cell phone and just went "Do you know what the difference between Protestant and Catholic is?"
Maj|Theatre: ..........
Maj|Theatre: I need help.
Maj|Theatre: I misread Protestant and Catholic as Preston and Child.
Marika: ... XDDD
Erin: .............. *Child?*
Marika: *Preston?*
Maj|Theatre: ....*WORSHIPS BOTH*
Erin: =D
*** Marika is now known as Preston
*** Erin is now known as Child

Child: Hey, Douglas?
Preston: Yes, Lincoln?
Child: Why are we not working on the next book right now? All these poor fangirls don't want to have to wait.
Preston: You're right, we should get on it. Is there anything in particular we have to be certain to write in?
Preston: Besides Diogenes's miraculous return from the dead, I mean.
Child: Well, that goes without saying.

Child: Should we give Aloysius a nude scene?
Maj|Theatre: ...best. Book. Ever.
Preston: Why not. We jilted the readers in Cabinet, after all.

Dili: If Aloysius gets a nude scene, I demand one for Diogenes too.
Preston: I don't see why not. -- Or we could combine the two.
Dili: Yes! Just what I was going to suggest.
Maj|Theatre: Pendercest. :D :D
Maj|Theatre: ...I mean.
Preston: There could be a fight to the death in a Roman bath, in a combined memory palace.
Maj|Theatre: Or a fight to the "death".
Maj|Theatre: A "fight" to the "death", even.
Preston: What do you think, Lincoln?
Child: Now, now, we can't pander *too* much.
Maj|Theatre: Fine, fine, one of them can die from sexual exhaustion.
Dili: That's much better than a volcano.

Child: We can only pull the 'kill off a Pendergast' trick once.
Child: Then it becomes cliche.

Preston: I know what we're missing.
Preston: Crossovers.
Child: You're right. We are.
Preston: Readers?
*** Dili is now known as JeffLindsay
JeffLindsay: I'll totally write a book with you guys.

Preston: I might have to bank on the epic poem.
Child: Douglas, we're attempting to speed up our production a bit. Trying to work out the meter would put a bit of a damper on that.

JeffLindsay: [... so I was reading interviews to figure out how Jeff talked (shut up) and -- he was asked if anything traumatic happened to him when he was younger.]
JeffLindsay: [His answer? " I was usually very unhappy, misunderstood, and without a girlfriend until I got older. Sort of standard pubescent anguish, I guess. No one ever raped me with hedge clippers or anything. Sorry."]

Child: *UNMELTS*
Preston: Were you just liquefied?
Child: Briefly.
Preston: What was the cause of it?
Child: Pinging of writing partner.

Preston: [Erin, we totally have to coauthor a P&C parody now. XD]
Child: [Oh good God.]
Preston: [We do, don't we.]
Child: [Most likely.]

dexter, erin, geekery, crack, preston and child, fandom

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