Life is still a little shaky, but things are going a bit better.
1) Who is the character that you most resemble?
Physically it’d be-wow, scarily enough it might be Michael. Emotionally I suppose I’m closest to Zoe. She’s relatively stable but fallible, and about as random as I am.
2) Which one are you most emotionally attached to?
As in, from which I get the most spillover? Michael and Mephisto. They both play havoc with my emotions. The one I’m most fond of is probably Sunny. She keeps me sane.
3) Which one did you spend the least time debating over getting?
4) The most?
Michael, I think. Dili had to wear me down.
5) Which character is the easiest for you to play?
Mephistopheles, or Acheron. I’m not entirely sure what this says about me.
6) The most difficult?
Astaroth, or Edgar.
7) Which of your characters would you be most likely to shag (if s/he wasn't in your mind -- sorry about this question, really --)?
I don’t think I’d shag any of my characters. …Possibly Astaroth, but that’s just because he’s pretty.
8) Which of your characters would you most like to make friends with?
Spike. Spike would make a kickass friend, and he’s a very congenial puppet to have in your head.
9) Who are you most scared of?
The twins. I mean, seriously.
10) Which character do you simply like the most?
You can’t not like Acheron, even when you want to kill him.
11) Which character do you hate the most?
Pistias Sophia.
12) Who is your most IC character?
I’m not sure. I think I’ve managed to keep them all solidly based on the works they’re from, but a lot of the stuff I have them do I don’t think the authors would have them do. Who do you guys think?
13) Which character is the most fun to play?
Acheron never fails to make me laugh, regardless of what he’s doing. He’s so cheerily evil. It must be contagious.