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Mar 08, 2011 00:57

Sorry I haven't been around much this month so far. Last week was, well, A Week, but already things are looking more positive! I'm laughing in the face of life's bullshit, HA HA HA!

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If I missed anything awesome/important, please feel free to poke me in the right direction.

Also, while I'm talking about things that are awesome/important (hey, cartoons are ALWAYS important), I just got to watch last week's Young Justice!!

♥ Apparently, no matter how old I get, I will always want to be a mermaid. Atlantica Atlantis was gorgeous.

♥ All the Atlantis battle scenes were a special kind of incredible, especially Mera's power. The love-triangle thing was actually handled beautifully considering the short time-frame - we see Kaldur's obvious hope, Garth and Tula's worry over hurting Kaldur, Kaldur making his decision and being rejected, his obvious pain and his inevitable acceptance, and at no point did it feel rushed or forced. Kaldur may be all stoic and mature, but he's still a teenager and his initial bitterness towards Garth wasn't overdone. But it still kind of needed to happen, otherwise Kaldur might have veered from 'unflappable' to 'robot'. And they have Red Tornado for that.

♥ Garth and Tula were awesome, and I hope we see more of them (they can come visit Mount Justice, Y/Y?!) Okay, Garth had a few d'oh moments in the final fight, but he's not as experienced in battle as Kaldur, I imagine. And he's Garth. But he was still wonderful, and the whole Tempest thing may have been heavy-handed but it was still cool.

♥ Okay, I've totally found the M'gann-crushing-on-Superboy thing adorable, but HOLY SHIT SUDDEN CHEMISTRY! They went from cute to turning up the heat and it worked brilliantly. It's not a crush any more, it's an actual relationship waiting to happen, and I love that. I almost lost it when they went from that loaded look to Red Tornado walking down the corridor and noticing a rhythmic thumping coming from the kitchen. Teehee~

♥ Also, HURRAH for us getting to see a bit more of the two of them stuck at Mount Justice together, and Superboy's snarky little comment about it being his home. Setting up a Superman-centric episode soon, mayhaps? Because you know Bruce is reporting that shit to Clark. And by 'reporting', I mean mercilessly teasing and taunting.

♥ Oh, one last M'gann thing. I know I've complained that they've been shoe-horning her catchphrase in, particularly in ways that don't actually make sense, but this is the first time since the first episode that it really worked. She was so flustered that chiding herself like that felt natural. Whoever wrote that scene, PLEASE keep writing for M'gann. PLEASE.

♥ YoungJustice!Bruce is the best Batdad ever. Seriously. Dick is feeling jealous, so he challenges him to a game of basketball?! That is so many kinds of special that I'm sad we didn't just have 22 minutes of them playing together. Also, Bruce managed to make his point to Kaldur without yelling or looming or being a general bastard. I LOVE YOU, BATDAD!

♥ So Artemis' name is actually Artemis? It's not just a codename? From seeing a bit more of her home life and her relationship with her mother (and I'm glad that she actually has family and isn't all on her own) I'm guessing there are a lot more theories flying around about her? I confess, I just don't know enough DCU to be able to place her. Also, her and Dick at the same school has the potential to be AMAZING. Because they obviously won't be in the same year but if Dick is such a spelling-bee darling surely she'll notice him? Oh, please let their friendship blossom, with the sarcastic bitchy goodness that will no doubt drive Wally insane with jealousy.

♥ Speaking of Wally, the speedster family dinner was adorable (stop being so pretty, Barry, it's freaking me out!) And yet, still kind of sad in the way Wally was being compared to Barry, even if it was in good humour. I wonder how much of Wally's issues are going to be explored. But all the little team-at-rest moments were incredible, and something I've been craving since the show started. More of that, and more of them hanging together out of uniform, please!!

I'm sure there was other stuff, but it's gone out of my head.

Anyway, will try to get my act together and WRITE DAMN IT this week! I just need to get my Inspiration Hat on. Has anyone seen it...?

young justice

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