Nov 03, 2004 18:25
Forget it. This country is doomed for the crapper.
Notice how the intelligent people vote Democrat. It's the ones that graduate college that tend to be more democratic. Not the ignorant people who only graduate high school, get knocked up ten times and want guns in every nutcracks hands. No. They are the fools who vote Republican. NOT ONLY THAT, but the majority of all other ethnic and religious backgrounds vote Democrat as well! Evidently, those right-wing irrational my-house-is-my-church-and-if-you-don't-believe-in-Jesus-you-are-going-to-hell fools are in the majority of the country right now.
Some issues to ponder:
Republicans may say: Democrats will take our guns away.
WRONG! Protected by the second amendment, no one has the RIGHT to take away a gun. What Democrats want is more regulations and registration so that any old nut can't buy a gun!
Republicans may say: There were weapons of mass destruction.
WRONG! How many have we found? ZERO!
Republicans may say: Iraq was an immediate threat with ties to Al Queda.
WRONG! Iraq posed NO immediate threat (especially since there were no W.M.D), and they may have approved of ists, BUT THEY HAD NO TIE WHATSOEVER WITH AL QUEDA!
Republicans may say: Bush did a good job as president.
WRONG! Under Clinton's administration, we had (I saw this statistic last year, it's probably worse now) a $286 billion surplus in government money, the highest EVER in US HISTORY! Bush turned around and put us in a $400 billion deficit! THE LOWEST EVER IN US HISTORY! He also did a good job at quickly losing 14 million jobs for Americans!
Republicans may say: Bush supported and is veteran of the Korean War.
WRONG! Bush did just about everything in his power to get out of that war. He did NOT finish the required amount of training... he didn't show up where needed... he enlisted in a HOMEFRONT regiment, and STILL didn't show up... and whereever he couldn't get out on his own, his rich daddy got him out. Fine example there.
*Republicans may say: GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG!
EXCUSE ME? HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT TWO OTHER PEOPLE, NOT YOU, BUT TWO OTHER PEOPLE CANNOT GET MARRIED? Even if you did take away that right, the gay people are still going to be around, just not married, but living together. Even if they got the same rights as a married couple, that would solve this whole issue, and we could live in more harmony. Granted some people may disagree with that as well, but those gay people will STILL be around.
*Republicans may say: Abortion is wrong!
AGAIN, HOW CAN YOU TAKE THAT RIGHT AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE? You may say it's , you may say it's a sin. Firstly, I'm not saying that abortion in any case is right. Far from it. But there are some circumstances (ex. the mother is economicly, psychologicly, socially unprepared, or may face life-threatening complications) when banning abortion would be... cruel and unusual punishment. Secondly, IT'S NOT LIKE IT'S YOU THAT IS COMMITTING THE SIN AND GOING TO HELL.
*Note: an analogy. You live on 2 Lala Street. You have a neighbor on 1 Lala and 3 Lala Street. Do you have the right to say "neighbors on 1 and 3 Lala Street, you do NOT have the right to come onto MY property?" Answer: Yes, it is YOUR OWN property. Do you have the right to say "neighbor on 1 Lala St., you do not have the right to go onto 3 Lala Street?" NO. These properties belong to someone else, what they do with it is their own choosing. You can disapprove, but the decision is NOT up to you. It is likewise the same with gay marriage and abortion.
Republicans may say: Kerry switched his beliefs!
WRONG! Kerry made a VERY strong stands in his debates. The best case is the first debate. Bush kept saying that Kerry thought the war was the 'wrong place, the wrong reason, the wrong time,' over and over again. Even after Kerry said, 'I voted for the war because I agreed with the purpose. I do NOT agree with its . I have a plan that will get foreign aide [and 3 other things which I forget now] to help get this war over in hopefully 6 months.' How's that for changing views? Also, if the arguement is made that Kerry is a crazy liberal, this is also false. Kerry was more a moderate Democrat, and he took new information and made a decision based on this. He was not a closed minded fool.
For a bit of humor:
Bush says: Strategery.
Informed people say: strategy.
Bush says: Nuculer.
Informed people say: Nuclear (sound it out: new-clee-uhr, not new-cew-lar).
Kerry says: Nuclear proliferation.
Bush says: ::he stumbled... these words must have been too big::
Normal people: eat pretzels.
Bush: chokes on a pretzel.
If anyone who voted for Bush complains about having to go to war, their family dieing from have no health care coverage... losing their job... you had your chance. Perchance you can redeem yourself in '08. If not... well it serves them right.
~Salmon Gray