Ode to EngrComm.

Oct 31, 2007 14:56

pitch black,
basically your engines,
really, really loud,
and dangerous,
lots of fatalities,
almost funny,
that sort of thing,
looking for a dead man.
Basically a turbine,
fed by a boiler,
operate it,
big thing up there,
build ships,
their way,
two different things,
which way they can.
Picture of the whole thing,
an artist,
airbrush out, fade back,
instantly his eyes,
next system,
do it this way,
photography and artwork.
Many cases in engineering,
convince the reader,
sure, sure,
you can draw anything,
here's the flywheel,
you can't see that,
rather grotesque.
You don't remember this,
picture of the human body,
acetate overlays,
clothes on,
lost their skin,
trembling fingers,
oh god their guts,
thirty-five feet of intestines,
standing there alive,
subject of a manhunt.
Two all the way down,
the ones place,
words and numbers,
align left,
little arrows,
for goodness sake, don't cross them.

crazy, classes, random, top

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