I finished tagging all of my entries. Yup, all 28 months' worth of entries. I started a couple of weeks ago, so don't worry, I'm not spending Spring Break tagging LJ entries. :P (I am, however, spending Spring Break polishing that stupid bent for TBP. It's partially shiny now though, and ooo, I like shiny things.) Anyway, tagging every entry requires reading every entry, and that? Went much better than expected, aka went much better than the time I re-read my diaries from elementary/middle school*. There were a couple of cringeworthy moments (lol emo posts), but many, many amusing/nostalgic ones. Hey I totally forgot that we used to have Harry Potter shipping flame wars in my LJ comments. Good times. The title of this post is probably my favorite line out of all of my posts. ;) Also, because I was bored and I was there, I retook some quizzes from back when we did quizzes. Remember those times? Yeah, me neither. Anyway, quizzes and comparison of results:
On religion:
Before Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com Doom, that was...unexpected. Highly unexpected. o.O I am not agnostic!
On Harry Potter:
Before Ravenclaw
The Hogwarts Sorting Hat!created with
QuizFarm.comHmm I became nicer? Apparently? (Also, too lazy to hunt for the messed up tag.)
On age:
Before: 22 years old. Don't want to link because it was such an emo post.
You Are 24 Years Old
What Age Do You Act?Heh this thing is strangely accurate. I mean, I'm not 24, obviously, but it is 2 years after the last time I took this quiz.
On politics:
Before: on the positive y-axis at the edge of (but still inside) the centrist circle. Can't link because I think I posted it in someone's comments last time.
The Politics Test on
Ok CupidAlso:
The OkCupid Dating Persona TestMeh pretty much as expected. I've been a bad capitalist pig-dog-squirrel.
*Oh dear god, nothing is as bad as reading your diary from elementary/middle school. I read something like 3 pages, and I was so embarrassed I wanted to sink into the floor even though there was no one else there. I then immediately shredded all of the pages because-and this was my actual thought process at the time-if I were to die suddenly, I didn't want my parents to find/read them while organizing/going through my stuff. [/TMI of teh crazy]