Oh hey Spring Break! Thank god you're here to saaaavvveee me!

Mar 09, 2007 12:16

~*~ I actually have loads of stuff, as in schoolwork, to do during Spring Break, but I'm not going to think about that until next week. And by "next week", I of course mean "the Sunday night before school starts again". I've been getting no sleep for the past week (5~6 hours/night for the entire week), and have been surviving on two large coffees a day plus occasional 30-minute naps between classes. I could very easily blame it on having 3 exams this week, but we all know it's actually because I loiter on the internets. Lol I don't even put up a pretense of trying to study/do work anymore. At midnight, I just go "screw that", throw my books aside, and openly waste my life away.

~*~ Yay I'm failing Government. Ok, "failing", but still bad enough that I need a 95 on the final, and that's pretty bad. :/ Stupid 25-question multiple choice test. Gah. I say, "For future reference, could we please have more questions on multiple choice tests?" TA says, "We couldn't have more questions because you only had 50 minutes for the exam." Me: "Are you freakin' kidding me?! All of my MC tests used to be 55 questions in 50 minutes. I hate you." If Government ruins my college GPA, it would be almost as pathetic as Art ruining my high school GPA (yeah, that actually happened).

~*~ This is my new favorite website. And hey, it's Robbie! :P

~*~ After last season's crapfest, I promised myself I'll never ever watch American Idol again...except I am. Right now. Already. When finals haven't even started. What do I do? What do I do?

~*~ I would talk about the pedophile statue I helped make yesterday, but I'll wait for the College of Engineering to publish the pictures so I can just show it to you. ;)

~*~ It's not funny anymore. I really, really, really, really need a job.

~*~ Your (newly resurrected) Moment of Zen: NSFW, audio-ly (or whatever the sound equivalent of "visually" is), but it's hilarious and worth it.

sleep, classes, obsessive grade calculations, american idol, job search, moment of zen, school

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