Dude, why am I not studying? Part II.

Feb 27, 2007 17:08

~*~ Apparently, 7~8 hours of sleep make me groggy and listless throughout the day. Five hours of sleep, on the other hand, make me alert and hyper. I heart adrenaline.

~*~ I had the best (read: least awkward) interview of my life today (HP, fyi). (Not Harry Potter.) Too bad it was a general screening and too non-specific to be of any use...unless I want to work in Houston, which I don't.

~*~ Best website ever. It always makes me sad when I see perfectly coherent/intelligent arguments lose a little bit of their credibility/impact (for me, at least) due to a "definately."

~*~ Wtf at The Departed winning Best Picture at the Oscars? Out of the nominated movies, I've seen The Departed, The Queen, and Little Miss Sunshine, and IMO, both of the latter two were better. Or maybe it's because I had a hard time understanding the Boston accent.

~*~ Ambler-stalking is tomorrow.

sleep, stalking, fun links, ambler, movies, interviews

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