It's time to tone down the crazy and make a mundane post, yes?

Feb 25, 2007 16:24

Hmm apparently polls bring out the people that you thought never read your LJ...but I guess that's true for everyone. :)

So uh re: last post, I went, but I went to class too, and it worked out because they postponed it an hour, and if The West Wing taught me anything, it's that politicians are never on schedule.

According to the newspaper, there were about 15,000 people there. I was waayyyy too far away to see anything decent, and since I was neither a hardcore hippie nor a hardcore fangirl, I didn't bother trying to get to the front. Supercrappy cell phone pic is under the cut.

Went to dinner party thing Friday night, where I was (once again) grilled about IB. Doom these parents are scary. There was a woman who has been asking me about IB and accelerated science and AP, etc, since 3 years ago, when her son was only in 5th grade. Her son, by the way, is a frickin' genius (won first place at some regional high school math competition as a middle schooler, and is also athletic), and I doubt IB/non-IB is going to make a big difference in his future achievements. We also played cards. I love cards (plus, the alternative was listening to conversations about the stock market). I would go to dinner parties with no one my age if I get to play an intelligent card game (e.g. not Go Fish :P) for 3 hours.

Yesterday, volunteered at "Introduce a Girl to Engineer Day." The activity we were running was one where you have to build a boat with aluminum foil/toothpicks/marshmallows, and try to make it hold as many pennies as possible while staying afloat. The kids were supposed to learn about buoyancy or whatever. So anyway, when I got there, half of the volunteers/officers (the male half, FYI) were differentiating buoyancy equations on the board and wanting to get out their fluid textbooks and etc. They then spent the next couple of hours making and testing boats, and hoarding the pennies/water tubs away from the kids. Us girls: *facepalm* Us EE girls: Wtf is buoyancy? There was one crazy driven hardcore 8th grader. On her first try, she broke the record by around 50 pennies, but she kept saying that it's not enough and spent the next 2 hours making at least three different boats and repeatedly breaking her own record. She went as far as going outside and trying to melt the marshmallows on a black car to use as a sealant for the boat. O.O

Yesterday night, went to dinner with parents and one of their friends whom I don't like because 1)he's obscenely boring 2)it always seems like he's hitting on my mom. Lol j/k, kind of. I know he isn't really, but he's super meek/clingy by nature so he always calls her and stays on the phone for 2 hours even when they have nothing to talk about.

Next week = another interview, another test, and Ambler-stalking.

volunteering, politics, tbp, gatherings, silabs

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