Chinese thing...

Dec 17, 2004 17:38

Stolen from jasmineblossoms

You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping (and especially those bows) next year. Yup. Most of the time anyway. And yes, I save the bows because they're pretty.

You only buy Christmas cards after Christmas, when they are 50% off. Nope, don't do that.

When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out. Lol yeah we do that. I wouldn't say 100 but still...

You have a vinyl table cloth on your kitchen table. yup

Your stove is covered with aluminum foil. yup

You use the dishwasher as a dish rack. Of course. What else do people use dishwashers as? :p

You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times. Nope, but my grandparents did when they were here.

You eat all meals in the kitchen. kitchen or breakfast area

You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers. only the grocery bags

You use grocery bags to hold garbage. yup

You always leave your shoes at the door. yup

You have a piano in your living room. yup

You twirl your pen around your fingers. Yup. Hmmm I didn't know that was a Chinese thing. I thought everyone did it.

Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them. I wouldn't do it as much as my mom would, but that's basically true.

You don't own any real Tupperware -- only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, takeout containers, and jam jars. That used to be true, but not anymore. Yay we have real tupperware now.

You also use the jam jars as drinking glasses. Nope, but again, my grandparents did when they were here.

You've eaten a red bean Popsicle. Not since I was five because I hate them.

You bring oranges (or other produce) with you as a gift when you visit people's homes. We do when we're in China, but not here.

You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take every time you stay in a hotel. Uh depends on my mood. I only take the shampoo bottles if they're really pretty. But mostly, I'd say no.

The condiments in your fridge are either Price Club sized or come in plastic packets, which you save/steal every time you get take out or go to McDonald's. Uh occasionally, but mostly, I'd say no.

Ditto for paper napkins. same as above

You never order room service. yup

You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel (and travel means any car ride longer than 15 minutes). These travel snacks are always dried. As in not just dried plums, dried ginger, and beef/pork jerky, but dried cuttlefish (SQUID). not really, only water in the summer

Your parents vehemently refuse the sack of gold coin oranges that their guests just brought just to be courteous. What are gold coin oranges? I'd say no.

Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself. yes, but he kind of can ...

You majored in something practical like engineering, medicine or law. lol yup

When you go to a dance party, there are a wall of guys surrounding the dance floor trying to look cool. I don't understand this one either, so I guess that's a no.

You live with your parents and you are 30 years old (and they prefer it that way). Or if you're married and 30 years old, you live in the apartment next door to your parents, or at least in the same neighborhood. I definitely wouldn't, but I understand what this is talking about.

You don't use measuring cups. yup

You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax. yup. Why do you think people go crazy on tax-free shopping days.

You beat eggs with chopsticks. yup, never used anything else

Your parents' house is always cold. in the winter

You have a teacup with a cover on it. nope, but again, grandparents

You reuse teabags. nope, don't use teabags ever

Your mom drives her Mercedes to the Price Club. not literally, but the idea is more or less true

You tip Chinese delivery guys / waiters more. I don't think so.

You're a wok user. of course

You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions. undubbed into english? of course.

You have acquired a taste for bittermelon. God no! And if I ever develop one like my mom insists I will, I'll kill myself.

You like congee with thousand year old eggs. I probably do but I don't know what this is, so I'll say no.

You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached -- it means they're fresh. not really. I don't care that much.

You never call your parents just to say hi. Nope, I do

You always cook too much. not really

If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if you've eaten rice, even if it's midnight. I haven't left home yet, but when I do, I can see that happening.

Your parents tell you to boil herbs and stay inside when you get sick. They also tell you not to eat fried foods or baked goods because they produce hot air. uh no

Your parents never go to the movies. very true

Your parents send money to their relatives in China. yup

You use a face cloth. nope

Your parents use a clothes line. rarely, very rarely (but it still happens)

You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don't eat the last piece of food on the table. yup, I feel impolite eating the last piece of food on the table

You starve yourself before going to all you can eat sushi. not really

You've joined a CD club at least once. Huh? That's a no.

You know someone who can get you a good deal on jewelry or electronics. nope

You never discuss your love life with your parents. true

Your parents are never happy with your grades. usually they are, but I don't think they would be if I get bad grades

You keep most of your money in a savings account. of course

You've been on the Love Boat or know someone who has. Uh no

Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin. squeezed paper-thing and then cut open. Yeah, I know I'm a freak.

You love Chinese Martial Arts films. nope, hate martial arts

You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. yup

Shao Lin and Wu Tang actually mean something to you. Shao Lin does. I don't know what Wu Tang is either

You love to go to $1.75 movies. they exist? I would go if I can find them.

You love to go to $1.50 movies even more. see above

You never order sweet-n-sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant. yup, I don't even know what two of them are. lol

You hate to spend more than $5 for lunch. yup, try $4

Someone in your family drives a Honda... with custom rims. nope

You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging from your rear-view mirror. nope

You like to eat chicken feet. nope, but I know people who do

You suck on fish heads and fish fins. same as above

You turn bright red after drinking two tablespoons of beer. I don't think so

You can get a buzz on Coors O'Douls or Miller Sharps. nope

You look like you are eighteen. I look like I'm eighteen when I'm actually what age?

You only buy used cars. Hmm I think that's true

You have more than five remotes in your house. yup. I also didn't know that was only a chinese thing.

You leave the plastic on the lampshade for ten years or more. nope

You can't bear to throw things away. yup

Your dad washes his hair four times a day, or never at all. none of the above. I'm pretty sure he washes regularly.

Your unassisted vision is worse than 20/500. nope, but that's prolly pretty close

You've worn glasses at least since the fifth grade. ha. seventh grade

Your parents (or some other close relative) own a grocery store or restaurant. nope

You drive around looking for the cheapest gas. true -> Costco

You add twice the amount of water recommended when making orange juice from concentrate. yup

You've never seen your parents hug. I have

Your grandmother lives with you and your family. frequently enough for me to answer yes to this question

You never order desserts at restaurants. yup

You always have water when dining out. yup

You say "aiya!" and "wah!" Not really. What's "wah"? I thought that was an english expression. lol

You love Las Vegas, slot machines, and blackjack. I wouldn't say "love"

You love to play mah jong. YUP. *am mah jong addict*

You have to read all your parents' mail written in English. Huh? ...not really

You are constantly being set up with uninteresting (and usually ugly) people by your parents. nope, thank God

You hate eating cheese. I like cheese.

You have a big aquarium filled with colorful fish somewhere in your house. nope, isn't that only in restaurants?

Your mother is strangely obsessed with plants. my mother can't care less about plants, my father on the other hand...

White people look at you strangely if you tell them you are Buddhist. I'm not buddhist

You notice the main topic at family get-togethers is food. I don't think so

You seldom ever owned new clothes if you were a second child. only child

Your folks never speak under 10 decibels at family gatherings. that's true

You never made the school football or basketball team. yup, wouldn't want to

You have two middle initials instead of one. nope, I have no middle initial

You grow your own bean sprouts in the kitchen. in the backyard...

Your mother made you peel water chestnuts and snow peas. yup

You have a lonely unmarried relative who frequently drops by during dinner time. lol nope

You received little red envelopes containing money on special occasions. yup

You use the underside of a porcelain bowl to sharpen your knives. uh no. We have a real knife-sharpening device

You cut your own hair… or had someone in your family do it. yup

Your grandmother has a lot of gold teeth… especially in front. nope, that would be scary

You keep fresh garlic and ginger in the kitchen at all times. yup

You know what the term "lemon" or a "banana" means. Woah lemon's a real term? I though I made it up. Haha yeah, I know what they mean.

You only have to shave every other day (maybe). Uh...I don't get it

You wash and reuse ziplock bags. nope

You know at least three people named Alan Wong. nope

You never drank milk after eating cherries. true, but I don't get it

Your parents collect jade jewelry. not really

You always drink tea after a meal. only at dinner parties

Your dad owns at least one bird. Huh? of course not

Your parents grow vegetables in a garden. yup, that we do

You use doilies to decorate your furniture. uh no

Your grandmother rapped your knuckles with her chopsticks while reaching food with your fingers. nope

You're proud to be Chinese - and you pass these jokes on to all your Chinese friends! sure, I did when I first saw this list like 6 years ago

54 Out of 120 = 45% Chinese. That's not too bad I guess. It's impossible to get a high percentage unless you're a really tradtional Chinese old lady living in China.

chinese, memes

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