Sep 21, 2005 23:46

So I went to work today all happy and oblivious and yay. Then they pulled me to do cashiering (for 2.5 hrs. grrrr.) and OMG, people were HOARDING water and batteries. You know those bottled water that comes in 24 packs? My lane saw at least 7 or 8 people who each bought ten of those huge packs. And more that half of the people who went through my lane bought nothing else except water and batteries, and maybe also some canned food. At the end of the night, I think the D batteries were completely sold out, and the only water left are the tiny, tiny bottles. Gah it's not going to be THAT serious here, is it? The most we're probably going to get is a bit of rain, and if the power and water do go off for whatever reason, they should be back on in a few hours; a day at the most. No one would need 240 bottles of water. It's not like we're Houston. :p But on a more serious note, I wish Vickie, Kim, Linda, Sylvia, and whoever else in Houston the best of luck. Are all of you Rice people coming back? Or trying to? As soon as you guys have gas? (Or are you back already and I've just been really out of it?)

weather, target, work

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