God is a Mary-Sue.

Sep 17, 2005 00:02

Just a perfunctorily update...

First order of business, *pottergasm* (Thanks to Sylvia for the link, btw!)

Hmmm methinks the movie will convert me into a Hermione/Krum shipper. The trailers have already done half of the job.

On classes:
1)Calculus: It's at 8am; everyone, including the TA, is half-asleep throughout the class; nobody makes the effort to even talk. So, in this dreary, silent, semi-conscious atmosphere, the prof has decided to make things more depressing by telling us about his son's heroin addiction every class.
2)Computing: John Marbury is still teaching. Therefore, it's still the highlight of my day. That is all.
3)Circuits: Omg this class is like Bratteng and Schaack COMBINED! Schaack b/c 1)structured learning and lecturing is very very BAD, and 2)Gee this reminds me of middle school!; and Bratteng b/c 1)we must APPLY the concepts to random stuff, like biofilm car batteries, and 2)I'm sure the prof is smart; he just has trouble showing it.
4)Chemistry: I pwned the exam today (which means: watch me fail miserably)! :) Yay for easy intro freshman classes designed for stupid people!
5)Government: Scary middle-aged ladies with 3 or 6 kids. Other than that, 'tis interesting and kind of fun albeit the prof talks to us like we are all retarded. And once again, yay for easy intro freshman classes designed for stupid people!

On the FAP Drama:
*sigh* I was going to refrain from commenting on this, especially since I wasn't there and thus am not exactly the best judge of the situation, but eh, the hell with that. Don't hate me for this. :/ Three comments:
1)If I were a D/G shipper, I'd be so snottily amused right now.
2)Draco was written to be disliked. Don't be surprised or overly indignant if people actually dislike him.
3)Why do people hate Ginny for being perfect but at the same time love Harry, Dumbledore, etc.?

classes, fandom, ambler, harry potter, profs

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