I really have nothing much to say, but since *cough*someone*cough* is coercing me to upddate, here ya go. The boringness that is my life.
First order of business, some pimpin':
Stewart-Colbert 2008 (I know it's probably supposed to be Stewart/Colbert 2008 to indicate running mates, but there's no way I can be comfortable with using the slash in such a mundane manner anymore.)
On one hand, this is very squeeable. On the other, it's kind of scary how serious this guy is. Other things aside, if he truly believes that Schwarzenneger will be the Republican candidate for 2008, then he really is a bit (*gasp* Dare I say it?) delusional.
Second order of business,
my very own Target stories.
~**~I got very good at saying "Hi. Thank you for calling Target North. My name is Sharon. How may I help find something today?" "One moment, please." "Electronics, you have a call on thirty-three. Electronics, you have a call on thirty-three." Or something to that effect. (Electronics NEVER picks up their calls, btw. Grrrr.)
~**~The girl I work with said she was an extra in that TV Elvis movie, with Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. *insert your squees here* According to her, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is very, very short. She said she was all happy and fangirl-ish until she met him, and saw that he was actually quite short, and saw that she was taller than him. Now she is very, very disillusioned about good-looking actors. (IMDB says he's 5'10''. That's not that short. *shrug*)
~**~Yesterday, someone mislabeled/mispriced the DVD sets, so that normally $50~$60 sets were all marked as $5. The customers, as well as the employees, were hoarding them like they were saving up for winter. Apparently the most exciting part happened during my lunch break, because when I came back, the girl I work with was on the phone with another co-worker who's in the Electronics department and saying "Get The OC for me. Yeah, the first season of The OC. What? Did the managers find out already? The managers have someone pulling the DVDs off the shelves? Well, get it quickly then, before they take it." Heh. Sadly, I missed out on the fun (Gah. $5 DVD sets. *cries*) because 1)I was at lunch break, and 2)even though there was a tiny, tiny window of opportunity after I came back, I was new and didn't want to act so...egregiously greedy, so I flew past my window. *tear*
~**~I found out today that Target sells silk-y, satin-y men's underwear. Heh. And it was an at least forty-year-old hombre Mexicano inquiring about them. Double heh. At first, I thought they were women's underwear and he wanted to buy some for his wife or something. Then after I figured it out, I so wanted to laugh. Meh, I'm a bad person.
Third order of business, there is none. I've rambled on enough as is. I hope you are happy. *coughcough*