Hereth lies my utterly boring life.

Aug 01, 2005 20:54

The past two weeks in review...

~**~Well, it looks like I have an useless piece of paper IB diploma after all. Thanks you, IBO, for hiding my results from me for 3 weeks and causing me to give into my paranoid tendencies. Also, to the person who graded my Extended Essay: Oh honey, the first step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Please try not to be stoned the next time you're grading papers. :)

~**~Objects of Desire has officially converted me to H/D. In addition to the cutest, sweetest fluffy!angst I've read in a while, it also has the best development of the Lucius/Draco father/son relationship I've ever seen. (Btw, it's NC-17. You have been warned.)

~**~Yay I got a job. *does happy dance* Now if they'll only call me back...did I not pass my background check or something?
ETA (08/02): Yay they called me back. I feel loved. XP

~**~I am not the purity queen. :( But that's only because I'm doing my part for the Motherland of UT. :p

~**~Yay for French boy choir music!

~**~I'm trying to learn Photoshop. I can do effects and blends adequately well now, but I cannot figure out how to draw using the vector tools. It either automatically fills the shape in with some color, or it hides the vector path on some AU layer that I can't access. Help?

~**~The concept of "Serenus" is absolutely hilarious. I still fall into fits of laughter over it. Whoever came up with that name is a genius.

~**~I got my own bank account. Woohoo! No more forging my mom's name when I use her credit card!

~**~I finally got off my lazy butt and started cleaning my room/papers, which was made more difficult by the realization that I didn't actually organize my papers from last year, just shoved them into a neat pile. So I had two years' worth to go through. It took me about 3 hours to finish just Phase 1 of cleaning (separating papers into binders/notebooks/folders, stuff I'm keeping, stuff I'm throwing out, and papers with one blank side that I can re-use). Now if I can only get off my lazy butt again and start Phase 2 (actually organizing the stuff I'm keeping rather than letting them lie on my bedroom floor in a big bonfire-ish pile). In other news, please recycle and save the trees.

ib, fandom, fanfiction, job search

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