Life sucks.

Jul 13, 2005 23:12

Let's see...I'm back, for starters. I learned on this trip that a 9-hour connecting flight to San Hose is so much better than the 13-hour connecting flight to Chicago I had last year. So if you're going from the US to SE Asia or vice versa, do switch flights in California.

Next, orientation.
Day 1: I was on aforementioned plane.
Day 2: Checked in at 8. Hung around with nothing to do until noon. Heard this piece of conversation: "Social Work has happy faces [in the letter "O"s on their sign] and you don't." "We're Engineering. We don't need happy faces. Engineers are happy all the time." Went to the college meeting, got a bunch of stuff I can't carry because I don't have a bag; Natural Sciences got bags and we got uncarriable stuff; bah. Wing meeting was completely pointless, and is it bad that I really doubt their statistics? 1 in 6 male students have been victims of rape or attempted rape? Come on.
Day 3: Got there around 9:30. Went to preadvising, computer thing, blah blah blah boring. Hung around the engineering area, EE is by far the ugliest departmental building on campus, both on the inside and out; they have tiny windows, ugly and chipping white walls, uglier tiled walls, unbelievably narrow hallways, gah everything just looks old and cheap and dirty and ugly; tis sad that both petroleum and aerospace engineering have much prettier buildings. Went to EE meeting, upside: EE has its own e-mail domain so I can just make that my "professional" e-mail and keep sallysquirrel for my regular ut mail account; downside: I knew we couldn't double major, but apparently, we can't even declare minors. Skipped the last Engineering meeting and went to library. Checked class availability and it's not looking good. Life sucks.

Finally, because of some...issues, I now suspect that I flunked my IB diploma. Maybe I'm being overly paranoid, but still. Oh well, it really doesn't affect me except Schaack gets to diss me to his TOK-ers.

ib, ut, ens, travel

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