
Jul 10, 2005 17:21

Leaving tomorrow morning. In the meantime...

Stolen from mad_mediocrity:

List ten fictional characters you would have sex with, and then tag five friends.

1. Severus Snape - from Harry Potter. Do I even need to explain? He makes "turn to page three hundred and ninety-four" sound sexy.

2. Artemis Fowl - from Artemis Fowl. Let's ignore the fact that he's about twelve years old for a minute and concentrate on the positive things: he's rich, brilliant, and soulless (sort of). How beautiful.

3. Sun WuKong - from Xi You Ji/Journey to the West. I've been watching old re-runs of Xi You Ji here and...yeah. *headdesk* I have no excuse.

4. Brian Kinney - from Queer as Folk. He's Brian. Period.

5. Hatori - from Fruit Baskets. Self-explanatory. Tall, dark, broody, that type of thing.

6. Sark - from Alias. He's related to the Romanovs. Mmmmm Russians.

7. Jack Bristow - from Alias. He's the muggle equivalent of Snape, which is beautiful.

8. Spike - from Buffy. I blame the accent.

9. Batman/Bruce Wayne - from Batman. Um yeah... tall, dark, broody, we've been through this.

10. Algernon - from Importance of Being Earnest. A girl can take only so much of suicidal angst and mysterious pasts, plus he's cute.

Let's see...they're all intelligent, 8 can be described as ruthless, 4 are/were mass murderers (not including Snape), 4 are AngstyBroodyDarkMysteriousStrangerWithAHeartOfGold type people, 3 are BlondNymphoEvilMasterCriminalWhoMayOrMayNotBeRedeemed type people (in other words, Fanon!Draco), 3 are obscenely wealthy and aristocratic (again, not including Snape, and yes, I'm shallow), 1 and a half are homosexual, and 1 is a celibate monkey, literally. It's a good thing my taste in fictional characters is completely different from my taste in real people.

Stolen from lady_draherm:

You Are an Espresso

At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic

At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung

You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping

Your caffeine addiction level: high
What Kind of Coffee Are You?

monkeys, amusing, snape, memes, top

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