Pointless post

Apr 10, 2005 00:27

World War II is depressing. Quotes that made me want to cry (and yay for none of them being about the Holocaust):
'For my past, present and future deeds I shall burn in hell, but at least I shall burn for Croatia.'

Moulin managed early in May 1943 to unify the resistance groups within the National Council of Resistance. Moulin was betrayed by a collaborator and died under torture in July 1943 without revealing the names of others in the resistance network. *I've been told that this parallels Snape!Angst.*

*Don't read if you can't stand descriptions of torture.* Those implicated in the plot were quickly arrested and slowly strangled by nooses of piano wire as they writhed on meat hooks. Movie cameras recorded their agonizing death for the later amusement of Hitler, his mistress, and friends.

*caption to a picture* During the siege of Leningrad, a couple drags the dead body of their child on a sled down Nevsky Prospect.

In other somewhat heppier news, here are the answers to the TV show thing:
2. Gilmore Girls: I don't particularly like any of the major characters, but I love a lot of the minor characters. I would have accepted any of these: Dave, Doyle, Logan, Finn, Max, or Jason.
3. Everwood: Dr. Abbott. I know my icon is Amy, but I like this icon more for the iconart than for the character.
4. Buffy: Anya. She's quircky and cute in that redeemed, sorta-evil-but-not-really kind of way, plus she's ultra capitalist. XP
5. West Wing: Charlie. No particular reason.
7. Whose Line: Colin. I sympathize with him because he's always made fun of for being bald and Canadian.
8. Friends: Chandler. Also no particular reason.

tv, memes, school

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