Ignorance is Bliss

May 01, 2009 14:13

Who: Aoyagi Ritsuka and Sagan Natsuo
Where: Ritsuka's bedroom
When: Early morning
What: Natsuo discovers that Seimei is on the island and doesn't want Ritsuka to find out
Warnings: The cuuute, and Natsuo's mouth

He learned quickly that ignoring Natsuo led to all of his just bought apples being turned into rabbits )

sagan natsuo, aoyagi ritsuka

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fluffy_zero May 1 2009, 21:50:03 UTC
Natsuo's ears quirked and twitched at the sound of the irritating buzz of the alarm clock and his jade eye opened slowly as Ritsuka shifted to silence it. He turned over onto his other side while a yawn escaped his mouth, a small mewl accompanying it. He closed his eye, but now that he was awake, his body was going to keep him like that.

He reached out for his LP to see if anything happened to anybody else that was amusing. Rolling out of bed, he strolled around the room stretching and getting any kinks that formed in his body out, though they didn't hurt, they were annoying.

A small gasp escaped his throat, barely audible to even his own ears as he heard the voice post made by a man that he truly loathed. He was glad that the volume was on low so that it was just a low murmur to the boy still in bed. He began to type rapidly on his LP, his arms shaking slightly.


loving_kitten May 1 2009, 21:57:25 UTC
Ritsuka had intended to go back to sleep but Natsuo had left and so he had lost his source of warmth. He yawned and sat up, his hair and fur sticking out in odd places. He looked around the covers and found Lyla, picking her up and placing her in his lap as Natsuo walked around his bedroom. He yawned again.

He heard a low mummer and blinked. Natsuo was checking his LP this early in the morning? He shrugged.

"Natsuo I'm gonna use the bathroom first kay?" he set Lyla back down on the mound of covers and went out to the bathroom.


fluffy_zero May 1 2009, 22:13:45 UTC
"Ohaiyo, Ritsuka-kun~"Natsuo said turning around when he heard Ritsuka shift and sit up. He then went to typing frantically on the LP ( ... )


loving_kitten May 1 2009, 22:55:25 UTC
Ritsuka did in fact here Natsuo stomping around his bedroom and essentially being a spazz. He spat out the mouth wash and then blinked. Done getting ready and changed into fresh clothes for the day he went back into his room, his ears bent back in worry. Natsuo had apparently finished spazzing out but the sacrifice was still worried all the same.

"Natsuo what's wrong?" he asked as he sat down beside Natsuo and stroking the fur of the fighter's tail down.

He didn't notice that Natsuo had taken his 1337pod, and likely wouldn't until he needed to check his schedule for work. He wasn't aware that Natsuo had just fought with his beloved brother. Or that his brother was even on the island. All he knew was that Natsuo was currently really upset about something. He nuzzled the boy's neck as he went on to soothe down the fur on his ears. "Natsuo tell me."


fluffy_zero May 2 2009, 00:23:51 UTC
Natsuo leaned into the hand that smoothed down his bristled fur on his ears and he nuzzled the sacrifice back. "Someone on here was being mean to me and making fun of me" he pouted. It wasn't like he was lying. Seimei was indeed not being the nicest of people to him and was making fun of him in the most subtle of ways, though, knowing Ritsuka's brother, he knew how not subtle it actually was.

The fur on his ears and tail were effectively calmed down by the other's gentle touches, but his limbs couldn't stop shaking in anger and partial fear. Since he didn't have much control over his nerves, it was hard for him to stop.


OOOH THE IRONY loving_kitten May 2 2009, 05:55:39 UTC
Now that Natsuo's fur was smoothed down he butted his forehead lightly against Natsuo''s own. He could still feel the other boy shaking slightly and he frowned. He wrapped his arms around his waist and his ears bent back. There wasn't much that made Natsuo shake. Youji being in danger, Seimei, being alone, and a really bad storm were really all that Ritsuka could think of that would make Natsuo shake like he was. Youji wasn't here, neither was Seimei, he was sitting right beside him, and there wasn't a storm. So what had someone on the island said that had upset his pink-haired friend in such a way.

"Natsuo what's wrong? You said it was just some stupid person being mean but you're shaking," he rubbed Natsuo's back, trying to make him stop shaking. "Hey hey, it's just some stupid person. What did they say?"


AHAHAHA Yeeeeees fluffy_zero May 2 2009, 18:22:20 UTC
Natsuo accepted the comfort from the other and nuzzled into him. He couldn't tell Ritsuka that it was Seimei that made him like this. He hadn't even realized he was shaking so noticeably. He had to think of a good lie, something that would upset him to this magnitude.

"I was telling them about Youji and how much I love him and they called me stupid for complaining about him not being here because then he'd also be stuck here" the pink-haired boy lied. He was glad he was good with words and keeping his voice strong despite his emotions or intent or else that would have been something hard to lie about.


loving_kitten May 2 2009, 22:37:51 UTC
He pulled Natsuo into a hug and kissed his temple. He even pulled him back, lying down.

"You need to ignore them," he whispered, stroking Natsuo's sides. "And we'll find a way out Natsuo. We will. You just have to hold out a bit and then you and Youji will be reunited."

He could still remember the night before, when Soubi and he had been reunited. But Natsuo had been in tears and his fingers had been cut and nicked several times. And Natsuo had been so upset. Ritsuka had felt awful because as soon as he had seen Natsuo he knew what had happened. Soubi was back. Soubi was Ritsuka's fighter, but he wasn't like Youji was to Natsuo. Oh he was close. But Natsuo and Youji were the zeros. Soubi... Soubi was his now but he still held Seimei's name. But Youji still wasn't here. Natsuo had to watch him reunite with Soubi while Youji still wasn't here.

He held Natsuo closer anc closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry Natsuo," he whispered.


fluffy_zero May 3 2009, 04:40:52 UTC
Natsuo laid back down with him and snuggled closely to him. He slid his LP into his pocket, opposite of the one he had Ritsuka's in. He closed his eye and let out a sigh, his limbs calming down. Good...Ritsuka believed him. A part of him felt bad for lying to him, he knew that he hated liars and he didn't want to be hated by the small boy that held him so carefully and treated him so well. But the other part felt justified in protecting him from his brother. Seimei was a malicious, vicious, underhanded, scheming manipulator. Ritsuka didn't need to be around those kinds of people.

His tail swished once. "It's okay, Ritsuka-kun. You're happy now, ne? I want you to stay happy. Don't worry about me so much. I know I'm jealous, but we can't control who comes and when we go, so all I can do is keep calling Youji and hope that whatever controls us to be here, brings him here" he said lifting up a hand and smoothing it through Ritsuka's soft, black locks. He liked the way it was so soft under his unfeeling hands.


loving_kitten May 3 2009, 05:30:35 UTC
Ritsuka snuggled into Natsuo. The warmth trying to pull him back into sleep. He was unaware that Natsuo was keeping such a large secret from him. That Seimei was on the island. And so in his ignorant bliss he just smiled and chuckled as Natsuo ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry about last night," he said again. Knowing that even though Natsuo forgave him he still felt awful. "I don't mean to make you jealous, and I know we can't control who comes. And I know it's awful of me to say but I do wish Youji were here... or at least we were back home. But I'm sorry," he closed his eyes and hugged himself close to Natsuo. "I promose I won't leave you alone."


fluffy_zero May 3 2009, 06:04:58 UTC
Natsuo's tail wrapped around his waist and draping over Ritsuka's. "You promise? That no matter what happens on this island, you'll never leave me alone, ne? Promise that" he said softly, still petting Ritsuka's hair. He scratched the other right behind his fuzzy ears, knowing that he liked that feeling a lot.


loving_kitten May 3 2009, 06:25:52 UTC
He frowned and closed his eyes before opening them and locking eyes with Natsuo. "I don't know what will happen on this island. I don't know what it will do to either of us. But I will never purposely leave you alone. Not... not if I can help it. I wouldn't intentionally leave you alone Natsuo. But... you promise the same thing right? You won't leave me alone?"


fluffy_zero May 3 2009, 07:00:01 UTC
Natsuo wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and held him tightly. "I promise. Even if Youji came to the island, I promise that we'd both be there for you, 'kay?" So...if he could help it and some force of the island didn't knock them apart, he wouldn't leave him alone. That was comforting enough. That meant that not even his brother could keep them apart. That put his young mind at ease, even if it was very slight.

"Ne...ne...wanna sleep some more?" he asked letting out a small, mewling yawn.


loving_kitten May 3 2009, 07:20:06 UTC
"Thank you," he whispered hugging him close. He knew he couldn't promise that he would never leave Natsuo alone. Not because he didn't want to always be by Natsuo but because he didn't know what the island would throw at him. He smiled though when Natsuo mentioned Youji. "That makes me glad to hear," he chuckled. "And I... I know it's bad to say but I want Youji here for you too." He wanted Seimei here, but he knew that saying that would upset Natsuo.

At Natsuo's question he chuckled and yawned as well.

"You read my mind!" he chuckled as he snuggled in closer.


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