
Jan 03, 2010 14:09

Who: Yuugi and Usagi
What: Usagi comes to help a friend
Where: Yuugi's and Daisuke's apartment
When: nighttime
Warnings: cute friendshipz, angst, and blood

...sorry 'bout the mess )


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dm_puzzle January 3 2010, 21:07:32 UTC
Yuugi jumped when the LP in his hand dinged, and he closed his eyes in relief at seeing that Usagi was outside. He exited his room, picking his way carefully through the living room and kitchen, before opening the door to the girl. He couldn't help himself; he nearly flung himself at the girl, wrapping his right arm as tightly around her as he could in a desperate hug.

"Come in," he said, backing off and into the living room. He was suddenly very grateful that people hadn't let him be alone when he wanted to be. He never would have learned that Atem would be returning (or hopefully so, anyway); that didn't lessen the level of horror and self-loathing he still felt, but it made things a little better nonetheless.

"It's..." Yuugi didn't know what to say to say to Usagi. She'd been unbelievable in standing by him though they hadn't known each other for long at all, and she probably had little idea how much that meant to the hikari; friends were the most important thing in his life, and it was good to know he had them even when he screwed up as he had. He ducked his head and repeated his thanks for the umpteenth time.

"Thank you again. I owe you."


oomoon_rabbitoo January 3 2010, 21:28:50 UTC
Usagi continued to wait outside that is until she saw the door open and had something flung at her. For a moment she was surprised but soon calmed down knowing who was holding onto her. The blonde returned the hug, making it a little tight before Yuugi pulled away. She offered him a soft smile as she nodded her head and walked with him into his apartment.

"You don't owe me anything, Yuugi-kun. I know you would do the same for me," she whispered, staying close to the young boy as they went through his apartment back to his room. When they finally entered his room she didn't comment on the state of it, merely closed the door and hugged the boy. Losing someone you loved, even if it was for a day, was still painful.


dm_puzzle January 3 2010, 21:35:37 UTC
"I would try my very hardest," Yuugi promised as he returned the second hug, looking up at Usagi and allowing her a small smile. "I wouldn't want to see you in pain."

He meant every syllable.

He grimaced at the state of his room, instantly giving the girl an apologetic look. "I'm-- I'm sorry for the-- mess..." he mumbled, a dull flush spreading over his cheeks. "I haven't had a chance to clean up yet... I will soon, though, but after I get this--" He raised his left arm, the sleeve of his now-torn shirt still stuck to it. "off and cleaned." He scratched the back of his head. "I was hoping that if the fabric's wet when I take it off it'll leave as few threads in my skin as possible."


oomoon_rabbitoo January 3 2010, 21:42:10 UTC
"The mess is something to worry about another day...don't worry," she told him, though in all honestly...compared to her middle school days the room was still neater than hers. She pulled back to examine his left arm a little. She internally winced, the poor thing.

"Let's get you settled on the bed, okay?" she murmured, letting go of his hand in favor of pulling out her locket. She only needed of the crystal's power to heal him. The last time she did was for Lelouch and even then she had to transform, but only because his wound was bigger. It shouldn't take that much energy to heal...and hopefully lure him into a peaceful sleep...


dm_puzzle January 3 2010, 22:02:22 UTC
Yuugi nodded and sat gingerly on the mattress, watching with curiosity as Usagi revealed her locket. It didn't look like anything he'd ever seen before, and he tilted his head in curiosity at the sight. He kept his eyes on her and the locket and tried his best to focus on nothing but that as his right hand gripped the edges of the fabric on his arm, ready to pull it off.

"Do... do you mind if I ask how you got healing powers?" Yuugi asked. "Is it common for everyone in your world? And what's that?" He nodded at the locket. His mouth was running away with him, he knew, but it was too late to take back the string of questions.


oomoon_rabbitoo January 3 2010, 22:12:43 UTC
"No, I don't mind..." she replied, sitting down next to him. She looked over her locket for a moment, her thumb caressing over the little stones that outlined the heart. Each stone was the same size but a different color representing each one of her senshi.

"Not everyone from my world has healing powers and this.." she carefully opened her locket revealing the silver crystal inside.

"Is something important to me...the source of my power," her starseed. One of the most powerful in the universe...at least in her world it was. Gingerly she took Yuugi's hand in her own while her free hand held her locket out.

"Moon Healing Activation..." she murmured, taping into the power of her crystal. The crystal began to emit a soft glow, hearing the call of its mistress. The glow began to spread until it came out of the crystal, washing over Yuugi's body to heal his arm. As the light came over him he would feel warm and safe as though someone was wrapping him in a nice soft blanket.

Usagi let out a small smile as the light died down. Once it was gone she closed her locket to check over Yuugi, feeling a little tired. "Feeling better Yuugi-kun?"


dm_puzzle January 3 2010, 22:25:24 UTC
Yuugi was mesmerized by the silver crystal, and as he inspected it he hardly noticed Usagi's calling of her power until a warm light suddenly enveloped him. His breath caught at the feeling, his skin tingling with the soft sensation. He could feel the threads pulling themselves out of his arm, the blood slow, the skin knit itself together. He could feel it, but it didn't hurt; it was just... warm. Pleasant.

The ripped shirt sleeve slithered off his arm as the light died as though nothing had held it there. Awed, Yuugi stared at his arm; there was not a scar, not a bit of pain. "..."

He looked up at Usagi, his eyes wide as he ran his right hand over the places the wounds had been to make sure they were really healed, then smiled at her. "It doesn't hurt at all any more," he said, pleased. He reached to squeeze her hand lightly in gratitude. "Thank you, that's incredible, Usagi-chan. How did you come across something like that?"


oomoon_rabbitoo January 4 2010, 00:34:35 UTC
The blonde weakly squeezed Yuugi's hand in return, waiting for the slight tired spell to pass. She was glad her magic was able to work on him. The least she could do was heal him and give him a peaceful night's sleep. She wanted to put her locket away but sensing some curiosity still lingering within Yuugi she kept it out. She trusted him enough to have it around. He could look over it and it wasn't as though he could break it.

"It's..." how to word it exactly? That the crystal was part of her? That without it she would die? He's had a tough night...simplicity would be best...

"A family heirloom...I thought I lost it when I was younger, but found it again..." it was partially the truth. Her Mother, Queen Serenity, had used the Silver Crystal before her...and it was lost for a while considering it broke into the seven rainbow crystals. Hopefully it would be enough to satisfy him.


dm_puzzle January 4 2010, 02:03:15 UTC
Though he sensed he wasn't getting quite the full story, Usagi's explanation did satisfy Yuugi; he didn't feel the need to push it any more if she didn't want to talk about it just then. Not to mention she looked suddenly very tired. Family heirlooms really could bring power where least expected... that he knew well. Yuugi gave the girl another hug, then stood and gathered the dirty sheets in his arms.

"I should wash these..." he murmured. "Usagi-chan, you look a little tired, would you like anything to eat? I think Daisuke-kun has some leftover ramen, and you can eat on the couch in the living room; it'll probably more comfortable than sitting in here, anyway." He wrinkled his nose as he grimaced at his room.


oomoon_rabbitoo January 4 2010, 02:18:27 UTC
"I'm fine, don't worry." The tired feeling would pass. She stood up when he began to gather his dirty sheets.

"You can do that later. Just rest for now okay?" she asked, her procrastinator self starting to show a little bit. It was too late in the evening to start washing clothes. Even though the chore would...distract him a bit.. She shook her head. No she was the distraction here...the comforting distraction.

"Thank you for the offer of ramen though..." her stomach gave a light little noise. She rarely turned down food, but this was important! Food could wait! ...At least another ten minutes..or until she got home.


dm_puzzle January 4 2010, 23:07:00 UTC
Yuugi shook his head vigorously at Usagi's suggestion that he rest. "No! No," he said, a little too emphatically, "I need to wash them. I don't have a clean set of sheets anyway, I'll sleep on the couch until they're done. I just can't-- can't look at them and know whose--"

He broke off abruptly, realizing he was trembling. He couldn't look at his bloodied sheets or clothes without feeling sick, without seeing the blood spattering all over his hands or smell death permeating the air, either. Suddenly Yuugi felt dizzy-- from the reminded scene, from blood loss, from lack of food. Quickly he dropped the sheets, crossed to his window, and flung it wide, taking a deep breath at the breeze that brought in fresh air. It instantly cleared his head, and he calmed.

Yuugi paused for a moment, then looked back at Usagi with a smile at the sound of her stomach. "You sure you don't want anything?" he pressed as he moved to re-gather the sheets. "It's really no problem. I'll just throw these in the wash and heat something up. You can eat in the living room on one of the chairs or the couch, it's no big deal."

He wanted her to stay for a little bit longer. She did still look tired (a byproduct of healing him, Yuugi guessed, and he didn't want to neglect that and let it have any repercussions, either); and besides, she had been a huge comfort to him. He felt better and warmer with her there.


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