
Jan 03, 2010 14:09

Who: Yuugi and Usagi
What: Usagi comes to help a friend
Where: Yuugi's and Daisuke's apartment
When: nighttime
Warnings: cute friendshipz, angst, and blood

It was probably, Yuugi finally decided, time to shower.

He absolutely reeked of death. He was covered in blood, both Atem's and his own, and had lost the contents of his stomach numerous times over the course of the day. It was all over his skin, his clothes, his sheets from lying on top of them-- those would need to be washed. His whole room would have to be cleaned of blood and stench, if not for Yuugi's own sake then for Daisuke's; he felt incredibly lucky to have the housemate that he did and wanted to spare him of any more unpleasantry.

Now Usagi was coming over to heal his arm. He didn't want to submit her to the smell or sight of him, either, if he could help it; not to mention it would probably be difficult to heal a wound one couldn't see when his arm was so covered in blood and his shirt now dried into the wounds. Yuugi hoped her powers of healing were what they sounded to be, because he had a feeling that ripping off the fabric was going to reopen the gashes, and he'd already lost enough blood as it was. He was intrigued by her confession, really; Yuugi had already deduced that the people on the island were not all from his own world, and many were very different from his. How Usagi had healing powers was, he was sure, going to make for a very interesting story.

A ghost of a smile flitted over his lips as he gathered his ruined bedsheets into a ball at the foot of his mattress. Somehow-- somehow-- though he didn't deserve it-- there were people on this island who were just as caring as his friends back home. If he stayed here much longer, Yuugi knew he was going to fall in love with them (if he hadn't already), and if he ever had to leave, it would break his heart as much as it pained to have left his old friends back home. There seemed to be no way he could have both.

Yuugi paused with a hand on the handle, then pushed his way into the bathroom that connected his and Daisuke's rooms. For a long moment he stared at himself in the mirror and felt like retching again; he would have if he'd had anything left in him to puke. That wasn't himself that he saw in the mirror, his face and arms stained with blood. Not a chance.

Yuugi finally tore his gaze away and locked the doors to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, letting the steam fill the room as he struggled to remove his bloody clothes. He frowned at his shirt for a moment-- he didn't want to rip it from his skin and get blood all over a shared shower, but he wanted to clean his torso as well and didn't want to wear a dripping shirt later-- then grabbed the seam at the left sleeve and ripped the shirt, sliding out of the rest of it but leaving the left sleeve. Yuugi hissed in pain as the hot water hit his skin, closing his eyes and titling his head back, letting it soak his hair and run over his face. One very thorough scrub later, Yuugi turned off the water and toweled himself dry as best as he could without moving his injured arm. He threw on a pair of sweats and a short-sleeved shirt and held his LP loosely in his hand, waiting for indication of his blonde friend's arrival. He was going to be indebted to her for eternity.


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