An Epic Reunion, Hand in Hand

Mar 10, 2009 21:24

Who: Riku and Sora!
Where: The park
When: March 10th
What: Sora arrives on Salkia... and he finds his long lost best friend!
Warnings: None

Sora could hardly believe it. After all that time of Riku being away from the island... Only to who up here, on another island! This was far too good to be true! He couldn't keep the grin off of his face as he walked around the park. He'd talked with Riku a little bit over the strange device he found on him... He didn't really know how it worked, but if he could talk to Riku with it, that was all he needed. It had been far too long since he got to see his best friend, and the butterflies in his stomach refused to go away.

What was he supposed to say to Riku when he saw him? It reminded him of the time when they met up at The World that Never Was...

I looked everywhere for you...

Sora pursed his lips together in thought and looked around the park. No signs of Riku yet...

Riku had all but flown toward the park after making contact with Sora, heart pounding in his chest in time with his feet on the ground. Because of his clothing being stolen, he was still wearing a gray shirt instead of his black one, although everything else was the same. The park was ahead, and he almost couldn't move fast enough. Sora... After everything that had happened and he had finally revealed himself to him, Riku had been dragged to this island. But he was here! And...

Riku didn't know quite what 'and' was, but right now it didn't matter. He slowed down his run as the older teen reached the front of the park, blue eyes scanning for that familiar face..."Sora?"

Sora heard the sound of the familiar voice and whipped around immediately, looking over the boy standing across from him. A smile crossed his lips and he took a step forward, carefully inspecting his face. "Riku!" Sora grinned and walked up and poked Riku on the cheek to make sure he wasn't some kind of illusion. When his finger collided with the soft flesh, his grin widened and he reached up to contort Riku's face into a silly one. Sora let a laugh slip out, as he could barely believe that Riku was here...

"You're... You're here!" he laughed. "Where did you go? Kairi and I looked all over the island for you, but... but you were gone!"

Sora smiled now, stepping back to examine Riku fully. "What are you doing here? Where ARE we?"

There he was. He grinned as the other keyblader approched, waiting for him to come over before starting to speak. Unfortnatly, the brunette had other ideas, like pulling at his face. "Or-ah!" He groaned, batting his hands away from his face, but still with a grin on his face. His hands brushed against the others, proving that he was there, and real, even though Roxas was on the island as well.

"Yeah," He breathed, a bit of a laugh in his voice even though he tried to quell most of it. "I came here...I don't know how. I was just taken off Destiny Island like,,," He spread his hands out in front of him, shaking silvery hair out of his face. "It just happened."

He looked back at the other, a bit of a smile on his face, glad he was here. "This is Salika Island... A lot of people like us have been taken from their worlds, and we're trying to find a way out."

"That's how I got here too!" Sora said indignantly. "All of a sudden I was on this island..."

He remembered the night he was first taken away from his home on Destiny Island... And it felt almost the same way. Suddenly, a bad feeling overwhelmed Sora and he looked at the ground carefully. What if... the heartless had something to do with this? If everyone was getting taken from their original homes, then something definitely had to be done about it! And with Riku, Sora felt like he could take on fifty different Ansems! Then again, he didn't really WANT to, but that was beside the point... He looked up at RIku again.

"You don't think... Ansem has something to do with this, do you? Or maybe... Or maybe Xemnas came back, and..." Sora's voice trailed off softly as he thought about the situation. "There's gotta be a way out of here, Riku! There has to be one!"

riku, sora

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