(no subject)

Mar 10, 2009 23:16

Who: Kidomaru and Kazuki
What: Kidomaru woke up to find himself in a forest.. strangely enough.. on an islands.. Whats even more strange is that he doesnt have any pants on...?
When: Kido's first day.. around noonish I guess
Where: In the monster forest on the Island

Kidomaru woke with a start and looked at his sorroundings. He thought for a second to try and figure out what the hell happened exactly. The only thing that came to mind however, was a foggy blank. He looked around slowly before noticing that something was different. Something wasn't the same. He could feel more of a breeze then usual. As he looked down he became both horrified, and extremely pissed off. "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY PANTS!?!???" He looked around completely enraged. Hopeing to find some form of life that would indicate that they might have taken them. He heard russling in the bushes below him. He readied akunia in his mouth and as soon as the creature poked its head out, he realized this was no ordinary island. The thing was a monster. I disgusting looking being that looked like something in a nightmare. Without hesitating he shot the kunai out of his mouth and nailed it in the head. The creature fell to the ground dead.

"Well that was a waste.." He sighed and began swinging from tree to tree trying to find a HUMAN.. that might have taken them. He flipped himself upside down and hung from one of the trees, using his spider webs to hold him into place. Slowly he crossed his legs and settled himself to where he didnt have to feel the breeze. He thought for a second then grinned to himself.

"Okay then.. I solution to the problem.." He began to slowly weave a dense and thick net. Building off of that he slowly made what looked to be a nest. Starting with the walls first and slowly working up to the top. It resembled a free hanging cocoon with a whole in the side of it. He made sure to keep it in the shadows so that it made it very difficult to see inside.

"Now.. all I have to do is wait for someone to come by.. shouldn't be to hard since I saw a city not to far from here." He crawled inside and readied himself, sitting in the dark and waiting patiently.


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