Who: Cissnei and Pidgeot, Open
What: After spending the morning checking the Barrier out, Cissnei returns to the Town...In style.
When: Late Afternoon
Where Salkia Town; Main Street
Once Cissnei had studied up a little more on the Pokemon, as Ritsuka had called it, she had decided that it wasn't all that bad. Usually she had a bad time with animals, sans Ifrit (Don't even get her started on the Chocobo Incident.) but the giant bird was pretty tame...if not a little intimating, standing only a few inches smaller than herself. In fact it was more than tame, it took orders to fight and of all things, carry a person on its back.
Which Cissnei was currently taking advantage of. Flying was strange...nothing like of a helicopter or in a plane. There was nothing there to hold you down, just her and Pidgeot and a sense of balance. The bird Pokemon's wings flapped in a easy, steady way as they neared the town, flying a lazy circle over it before coming down to land on the main street of the Town. It was almost an exhilarating experience to the redhead, and certainly one of a kind. "Thank you." She murmured to the bird as she dismounted, raising a hand to pet through the plumage over his head, receiving a happy trill in return. If people were staring at her funny for such an entrance, she wasn't paying attention.