Apr 24, 2012 20:25
So the whole I'm going to keep updates going pretty much died but here's me trying my best to sum up what's been going one
First bit of sad news is my Grandmother passed away. It was kinda out of the blue although she had moved into a home and the last few letters from her had started to have issues in the making sense department. Needless to say I was pretty upset over the whole situation but I really didn't have a good cry until recently when I realized that money wise it just wasn't cost effective for me to fly out to Montreal for May to go to her memorial. Also this doesn't help with my whole irrational "my parents are going to die" fear.
Second bit of news is that Graeme and Melissa are expecting a baby boy, which they plan to name Nicolas, in August. Hopefully I can actually afford to fly there in August so I can see the baby, but we'll have to see when the baby is actually born and when I need to be back in Vancouver for school. Needless to say I've been working on crafts and planning future care packages and fun stuff. I am very excited.
I finished this semester on a positive note, although I was kinda pissed that I got a high B+ on my website project, but I think the prof was too picky a marker. I did my first work placement stint at the Children's Department at the Vancouver Public Library and it went amazing. Not only did I really enjoy the staff I worked with they were extremely pleased with me- as my beyond glowing review showed. I wish I could have remained there and volunteered past my practicum but since its union run there are laws about that.
I managed to survive this semester with little to no emotional breakdowns which was nice. I'm taking two summer courses- one is just a month long and its a touch typing course to kinda revamp my skills, the other is Managing Digital Archives which is online. So now I'm spending my free time getting my room in order and hopefully hunting down some summer employment.
Shoot also I need to write something from my Grandma's memorial, I gotta remember to get that done before the 11th of May. So this week will be applying for jobs, finishing written assignments and paperwork and getting my room in order.
Then May will be split between school and hopefully some sort of part time summer job, if not HUNTING for said job.
The cats are both well. Quigly is still hanging in there although I stopped giving her her hyperthyroid meds cause it just became to much of a hassle since she decided she no longer likes pill pockets. Stormie suprisingly didn't need a dental so that saved me some cash, although I really need a dental so I need to get off my ass on that one- but at this point I'm worried my teeth are so bad I don't even want to know what's going on.
Right now things are good. I have some good friends here in Vancouver including my friend Ivan who hangs out with me every week and my class mate Katie. I do miss my parents but I gotta suck it up if I ever want to live in Scotland for a year. Its not like I'll be able to go home whenever I want then.
I just worry.
I hate the fact they are getting old, hell I hate the fact that I'm getting old. Recently with the biological clock and I think the mythical "sexual peek" women are suppose to hit in their 30s are starting to effect me. While I still feel asexual, I am finding myself drawn to ridiculose romance stories of late- that being said they are gay romance stories so I dunno what that says
Somedays I think maybe I need to get back into therapy, not for cognitive behavour stuff but some sort of analysis based therapy to try and figure out why I react the way I do towards sex and kissing and whatnot. By all signs you'd think I experienced some horrible trauma in my youth but as far as I know and can remember nothing of the sort ever happened.
Ah well, one thing at a time.
Anyway I hope to actually update more frequently this summer- although I dunno if anyone still reads this- and hopefully I will have good news re summer employment soon.